Missed opportunity

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Joe B

Well-known member
So, not sure if this is really a presentation so much as it is telling a story on myself. I needed to take a short trip to the outskirts of the city to meet with some people, and on the way there, I saw a water buffalo with some uniquely curved horns. I had my camera with me in case I happened to see an egret in the rice fields close to the road, so I told myself I'd stop on the way home if she was still there. Figured it would be nice to shoot some kind of animal. She was still around, so I stopped long enough to grab a couple of shots even though the rains were rolling in.

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Saw her compadre a little further off, so I went for a full body shot, and this is the one I'm kicking myself over.

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I left pretty quickly after that trying to stay ahead of the rain on my motorbike (didn't work), and when I looked at the pictures on the computer, in the top right is a green bee-eater (maybe chestnut-headed?) that I never saw. Cool looking little bird I haven't gotten a picture of before, and it was right there. Oh well. Now I have to fight to keep my attention on the road and not scanning the trees.

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Cool images of the Water Buffalo, but I really like hearing folk's backstories. Pretty amazing you managed to capture that Bee Eater in the frame with enough focus to identify it.

Frustrating for sure, but still a great story and good reminder to step back from the viewfinder from time to time and take a look around :)
At least now you know a spot the bee eater frequents. Pick a nice day to jump on that bike and have another look. 10 years later, I am still kicking myself for selling my motorbike.