Missing Africa so much!

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Light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully back soon 🤞 🤞

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With that sort of light at the end of the tunnel, bring it on sooner rather than later. I'm certainly happy with our release back to travelling, albeit, Victoria only. Keep the chin up.
Great image. Get to Africa, visitors are needed. It’s pretty much business as usual in many places, Kenya in particular. Wildlife ands scenery awaits. Unfortunately poaching has increased because of the lack of human presence in some locations. Hitting the beaches and bush and getting great images makes a return to lockdown more bearable. Prices are down and deals aplenty are to be had.
i wish it was that easy😢 I am scheduled to be in the Kgalagadi this Saturday, followed by a weeks work in Mozambique. This has been cleared with authorities but requires a covid test, 14 days quarantine in South Africa, 14 days quarantine in Mozambique and a further 14 days quarantine on return to the UK!
Hopefully medical science will assist in the near future🤞
Dave, sorry to hear that, as long as have a negative test within 96hrs of departure and pass temp test of 37.6 or lower , there is no quarantine requirement in Kenya fir visitors ...Can’t say the same about the U.K. unfortunately.
I feel for you! the call of the bush, and the red sands of the Kgalagadi. My Brother is law is going in 5 weeks' time and every week he drops a WA message with a Kalahari animal and 5 weeks to go!
I feel for you! the call of the bush, and the red sands of the Kgalagadi. My Brother is law is going in 5 weeks' time and every week he drops a WA message with a Kalahari animal and 5 weeks to go!
Thanks Callie. To be fair Sanparks have been really good, I have changed it 3 times already. It is now on hold until definitely possible!