Mobius Arch - Day & Night

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Mobius Arch, Alabama Hills, Owens Valley, Eastern Sierra, California.

Just happened to be there the night the Delta Aquariid meteor shower peaked. Caught several of them as I took light frames over the course of the night, but the meteorite shown here was the best capture.

The astro shot is with the Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 lens at ISO 6400, 15s, f/2.8. 25 lights, 5 darks. Stacked with StarryLandscapeStacker. Light painting on the arch was with a LumeCube Panel Go at 5600k, just for a second or so, on one of the light frames.
Thanks! It's only been in the last year that I've been doing this with the stacking method, but I'm coming to like the results. I have a star tracker as well, but it was malfunctioning on this last trip and I had to salvage what I could without it. Fingers crossed it's more reliable on the next outing.