Mold and mildew inhibition

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Well-known member
I have had expensive problems with mold and mildew at my home and tried various strategies to minimize damage. I have a large metal chest with drawers lined with foam and each spring there has been some mildew buildup. For the coming winter I was researching mildew inhibitors and learned that there are two chemical options.

One such chemical, paradichlorobenzene, effectively controls mildew on clothing and other apparel when used in packages, trunks or garment bags kept as nearly airtight as possible. This chemical, which is widely recommended for moth control, is available in grocery, drug and department stores under various trade names. Paradichlorobenzene is the active ingredient in moth balls and so readily available and cheap. The vapors are heavier than air so should be placed at the top of the storage space. The moth balls will last for several months before needing to be replaced. Be sure that there is sufficient air circulation so the vapors can circulate.

This spray can also be used to inhibit mold and mildew growth
Fungicide, Mold & Mildew Killer - Clean visible dirt, then apply Vital Oxide to the surface until thoroughly wet. Let sit for 10 minutes to eliminate mold and mildew on a molecular level, neutralizing spores and inhibiting fungal growth without damaging the surface being treated. Unlike bleach and other products that are only effective on non-porous surfaces, it can penetrate both soft and hard surface and destroy the roots of mold and mildew.

I am going to use both this spray and moth ball packets this winter. The cost is trivial and there is a chance it will work where a dehumidifier is not practical.