Monarch Butterfly --- Costa Rica.

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Monarchs are well known for their prodigious migrations in North America, however this one is almost certainly a Costa Rican resident where their foodplant (Tropical Milkweed) grows in abundance all year round, so it doesn't need to migrate. By feeding on this plant the caterpillar builds up a reservoir of toxicity, which is carried over into the adult insect, rendering it unpleasant to eat by predatory birds --- thus the butterfly is brightly coloured to advertise this fact. D750 with 105mm nikkor micro + 1.4TC @150mm, ISO 800, f4.2, 1/1000Sec., handheld.
Nice capture. When visiting Costa Rica saw that Hummingbirds of all kinds like this plant as well as butterflies.
Thanks Icarus --- I too have Hummingbird shots from CR nectaring on this plant, which after some research, turns out to be Purple Porterweed (Stachytarpheta frantzii ) a member of the Verbena Family and a Catagory 2 invasive species in Florida !
Thanks Icarus --- I too have Hummingbird shots from CR nectaring on this plant, which after some research, turns out to be Purple Porterweed (Stachytarpheta frantzii ) a member of the Verbena Family and a Catagory 2 invasive species in Florida !
Makes sense, flower looks like verbena I have in my yard, but has leaves. Interesting that it's an invasive in Florida.
Whaoooo David that’s a stunning capture 👏👏 it looks really crisp and clean given that I’m viewing in on my phone I’ll get a better look at it later on the Laptop .. the background is also beautiful and soft which accentuates the colours of the butterfly ..

Whaoooo David that’s a stunning capture 👏👏 it looks really crisp and clean given that I’m viewing in on my phone I’ll get a better look at it later on the Laptop .. the background is also beautiful and soft which accentuates the colours of the butterfly ..

Thanks Harry --- the D750 was probably my best butterfly camera, I'd almost be tempted to go back and get a good 2nd hand one again --- but I am hopeful that the new Z7ll (due next week ) may be just as good ,if I can work out the appropriate settings !