Monarch Butterfly Migration

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Supporting Member
Here in the Texas Panhandle, we have been fortunate to see the Monarch Butterfly Migration come through. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen there numbers increase with the last days seeing the largest numbers. Just a few days ago we saw a week cold front come thu the area that brought in a large amount. In the past couple of days if you went by a house with many trees the sky looked as if it the sky was moving. It is such a great experience to walk under trees where thousands of butterflies are sitting. Remember this is a flat prairie that is now the largest cotton patch in the world with over 3 million acres planted in the area. The older homes have large trees where the Butterflies stay.

The experience will probably end this evening as a strong cold front blows in as we speak. The Monarchs will take to the wind and head further south.

The pictures below were taken over the last couple of days with the pics having the largest numbers taken today. I have also tried using a flash with the Z8 or Z9 and the 100-400S but you can see the data for the different lenses used.
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