Moody Autumn Landscape Revisited

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I shot the image below two years ago. I liked the scene and composition when I shot it but wasn't wowed by the shot once I got home so it got filed away and I pretty much forgot about it.

This evening while filing some newer shots I tripped across it and thought back to what I liked about it and why I shot it in the first place and kept coming back to the visual contrast between the autumn grasses and colorful trees to the gray mountains and dark moody skies. So I took another pass at processing the image with that in mind and arrived at this 16x9 crop with the highlights pulled down and a bit of Dehaze to increase the contrast and mood in the clouds. That and a little dodging of the trees brings the scene back to the way it felt on a cool and windy autumn day.

Nikon D800, 24-85mm @32mm, f/8, 1/400", ISO 200
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A beaut, Dave. Definitely evokes the feeling, and tells the viewer that winter's on the way!

That's pretty much the feeling I had that day, colors still in the trees and the grass but it sure felt like winter was coming with the strong cold wind and dark skies. Glad that feeling came through :)