Moody Kenyan South Coast sunrise just after some early rain.

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Iso 400 18mm f3.5 1/2500
D7500 18-140mm manual auto ISO
Took the smaller camera with me when visiting the coast on a work trip, just in case...
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Oh, oh, oh that is so nice! Really well done. I love that. Help me out if you would be so kind - the shutter speed is much faster than anything I would normally use, is that for the sun exposure? Is it a single shot or stacked? I think the colors are brilliant. Thank you. Gives me (much) more to strive for. Really well done.
Oh, oh, oh that is so nice! Really well done. I love that. Help me out if you would be so kind - the shutter speed is much faster than anything I would normally use, is that for the sun exposure? Is it a single shot or stacked? I think the colors are brilliant. Thank you. Gives me (much) more to strive for. Really well done.
Hi Bill, thanks for the kind words. I was pointing at the sun with a wide aperture so I cranked up the speed to keep the iso down, I used the usual trick go banging up shutter speeds until the light meter zeroed. In my naivety I didn't adjust EV which would have enabled me to bring the speed down. Still learning. This is a single shot. I want to get into focus stacking as I just acquired the D850 which will make things easier being automated. This was a handheld shot , all I did was try to compose the picture. Work in post was balance the sun which was a little blown out with the sky. The sea was dark as the rain clouds were rolling over. Being just below the equator the angle of the sun and sunrise and sunset gives a lot of backlight and rises very fast. This was a low shot taken about a 2ft above the water level.