Moon and different cameras

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Hi All, I am new to the site, so I do have some questions.
The first question relates to posting images. Is there a place to do that, or is it just in these posts?
I shoot Nikon D7500, D500 and just got a Z7II.
I was comparing my moon shots, all with the same 500 PF and 1.4 Tele.
The 7500 and 500 are really sharp and not so sure about the Z7II. I am thinking it may also be related to the side of the moon since the Z7II image has the side with less craters. The first one is the Z7II, the next one the D500 and the last one the D7500

ZII .jpg
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Z7II ISO 400, F8, 1/800

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D500 ISO 200, F 8, 1/640

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D7500 ISO 500, F8, 1/800
In terms of posting images, the Landscape Presentation sub-forum is a great place to post lunar and Astro images as well as more traditional landscape photos.

In terms of sharpness and detail, field technique, specific night including things like humidity, high thin clouds and the like as well as phase of the moon is far more important than Z7 vs D500 or other modern camera types.
Hi All, I am new to the site, so I do have some questions.
The first question relates to posting images. Is there a place to do that, or is it just in these posts?
There are forums for Wildlife presentation, Landscape presentation, and Macro & Close Up presentation. Sometimes members post photos in the General Discussion forum in support of a comment in a posting they’ve made.

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In terms of posting images, the Landscape Presentation sub-forum is a great place to post lunar and Astro images as well as more traditional landscape photos.

In terms of sharpness and detail, field technique, specific night including things like humidity, high thin clouds and the like as well as phase of the moon is far more important than Z7 vs D500 or other modern camera types.
Absolutely correct. Plus things like atmospheric disturbance (jet stream or other air masses) and seeing conditions impact. What a lot of people don't know is the best images of the moon are done via video clips and processed as a stack with the best 10-20% of frames used.
Another thing about sharpness is to make sure you view each image at the same size and viewing distance. If you view each at 100% they will be different sizes if the pixel resolution is different, making it difficult to compare.
Thanks, all. I just got a fairly clear sky this morning with much better results.
Distance and pixel size is about the same for all cameras, just more cropping on the Z7II

ZII sm.jpg
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