More Peregrine Falcon Family video clips

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Peregrine Falcon family of Hannibal, Mo. June 9, 2024. The three young Falcons are losing their fluff, and video starts with two interacting on top of the Mississippi River bridge pier out in the river at Hannibal, MO where they were hatched, soon joined by the third one. Continues and dad stops to check on them for a few seconds without food. Then they hang out and soon mom is there with food and one gets it and scurries between the bridge beams in a hurry and mom leaves the pier. Videoed from 1/4 mile away. Very high magnification due to distance, Canon R5 RF200-800 2X extender 4k crop mode (2560mm field of view). I also picked up a bit of sound of the eyas hollering for mom or dad to bring food.
Peregrine Falcon family of Hannibal, Mo. June 9, 2024. The three young Falcons are losing their fluff, and video starts with two interacting on top of the Mississippi River bridge pier out in the river at Hannibal, MO where they were hatched, soon joined by the third one. Continues and dad stops to check on them for a few seconds without food. Then they hang out and soon mom is there with food and one gets it and scurries between the bridge beams in a hurry and mom leaves the pier. Videoed from 1/4 mile away. Very high magnification due to distance, Canon R5 RF200-800 2X extender 4k crop mode (2560mm field of view). I also picked up a bit of sound of the eyas hollering for mom or dad to bring food.
It's amazing that we can even make them at this distance. Good technique, Dave.