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May 5th, around 9am, Nun's Island near Montreal.

Synchronized turtle morning yoga. The sun was coming up behind the them so there was quite a bit of glare off their backs.
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I was minding my own business sipping coffee while sitting on a bench. I saw some movement on the water (fish?) so I hopped up. Took a few pics. My camera's underwater turtle eye detect didn't work, so it focused on the tail. I may have to take my A1 into the shop, or wait for the next firmware update (1.3.3?).
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Male red-winged blackbird trying to attract females. I have also tried squawking, but it doesn't work for me.
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Great Blue Heron. It flew behind a tree, but I got a couple of shots in an opening between branches.
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The same heron landed on the lake bank. So much for separating the subject from the background.
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A breeding pair of Canada Geese. The male was a little amorous and kept squawking. He showed off by making a perfect landing facing me.😄
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