Morning light at the Tetons

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Figured I would jump in and join the 'show off' thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures I have taken at Grand Teton National Park. Taken on a Nikon d7200.
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Very nice. Really nice patch of Arrowhead Balsom Roots in the foreground and awesome morning clouds. I like the composition and the emphasis on the flowers leading to the Tetons rather than the more typical setup with a couple of close flowers and the peaks looming large. Nicely seen, nicely executed!
My goodness, I hadn’t seen this until now. What a picture! Wow. D7200, what lens?
That is really outstanding.
Sorry for the super late reply, haven't been active for a bit. I shot this on the Sigma 14-24mm. Even though the D7200 is a crop sensor, it has been giving me so many good images. Can't imagine what things will start to look like when I upgrade to a full frame.
A wonderful shot Jordan ---- I was there a couple of years ago but this perspective makes my memory of it seem like a different place ! Great composition.