Morning stretch for a mama Red-winged Blackbird

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Although the Deer Flies were twice the size of the female Red-winged blackbirds, and 100x more numerous :D I managed a walk with camera along the berms of a favourite marsh, Saturday. Here, a female Red-wing stretches for the camera.
mama blackbird on a stick sized.jpg
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Well she perched in a nice spot for you. And you made the most of it. Well done.

I have to admit that I pass up many opportunities due to bugs. Just a couple of days ago we spent several hours in our boat anchored in front of a salmon hatchery with dozens of eagles around with all of the associated conflict. I grabbed a few shots out the windows but just couldn't bring myself to sit out on deck for a couple of hours like I should have.
Well she perched in a nice spot for you. And you made the most of it. Well done.

I have to admit that I pass up many opportunities due to bugs. Just a couple of days ago we spent several hours in our boat anchored in front of a salmon hatchery with dozens of eagles around with all of the associated conflict. I grabbed a few shots out the windows but just couldn't bring myself to sit out on deck for a couple of hours like I should have.
I've quite literally run from the marsh where this shot was taken due to the deer flies when I've foolishly not gone in with bug net or with hands covered, etc. So I'm with yah, there's no enjoyment to be had sitting or walking with no respite from biting insects. I've seen livestock and Moose driven into mindless runs by insects and it has felt like that for me a few times.. Blackflies are another nightmare; of course mosquitoes too, when in such huge number there is no winning over the beasts. When you've got to scrape the blackflies off the bug net so you can see, or the hum of mosquitoes is actually loud as they cover the screen door of the tent... leaves no room for enjoying one's self by sitting among them trying to take a photo LOL When I was a regular canoe camping guy we simply gave up much tripping at all unless it was in that sweet spot in spring of the water was open but the temp still too cold for much insect life, or in the fall after a killer frost or two.
I've quite literally run from the marsh where this shot was taken due to the deer flies when I've foolishly not gone in with bug net or with hands covered, etc. So I'm with yah, there's no enjoyment to be had sitting or walking with no respite from biting insects. I've seen livestock and Moose driven into mindless runs by insects and it has felt like that for me a few times.. Blackflies are another nightmare; of course mosquitoes too, when in such huge number there is no winning over the beasts. When you've got to scrape the blackflies off the bug net so you can see, or the hum of mosquitoes is actually loud as they cover the screen door of the tent... leaves no room for enjoying one's self by sitting among them trying to take a photo LOL When I was a regular canoe camping guy we simply gave up much tripping at all unless it was in that sweet spot in spring of the water was open but the temp still too cold for much insect life, or in the fall after a killer frost or two.
Just think, if not for that stupid apple we might still have dominion over the creeping things. But here we are hiding from them instead :confused: