Mountain Blue Birds

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This male and female mountain blue birds, kept flying back and forth to their nest to feed their babies. The male did settle down just long enough with a bug in his bill for us to take his photo.
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Lovely shots Rose. We have several boxes around the property and it's fun to watch the progression from arrival in the spring to the babies born and fledgling in the summer.
Nice. These guys are well up on my 'want' list to photograph -- when I lived in their range I honestly never so much as spotted one when with camera, but would seem them regularly in the city LOL
Lovely shots Rose. We have several boxes around the property and it's fun to watch the progression from arrival in the spring to the babies born and fledgling in the summer.
We get a few by our house but we never can take advantage of them. We always end up getting our photos when we are out on the road.
Nice. These guys are well up on my 'want' list to photograph -- when I lived in their range I honestly never so much as spotted one when with camera, but would seem them regularly in the city LOL
We were driving on the road past Sylvan Lake in Custer, Steve spotted them at first it was the male and then when we stayed, to watch and photograph the female started coming in too.