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This is my first post on this site, so I thought I would introduce myself and provide some background.

I have a website at philgoble.smugmug.com. I don’t sell my images; I use the website to enable me to view my images and to share my images with family, friends and acquaintances. There was a great thread on bcgforums.com about the merits of photography. The greatest benefits for me are that it gets me out into nature and to locations I might not otherwise visit, and it provides me with a photographic record of things I’ve seen. When I look at a photograph I have taken, a lot of the circumstances surrounding the image and the things I felt at that time come back to me.

I shot mostly landscapes and cityscapes until I moved to Colorado a couple of years ago after retiring. I decided to focus more on wildlife photography, particularly bird photography after relocating. I was using my Nikon D850 and the Nikon 500mm with or without a 1.4 TC until October 2023 when I swapped my spare Nikon D810 for the Nikon Z8. This greatly improved my ability to capture BIF images. I find that I use the Nikon 500mm with the 1.4 TC attached quite a bit, so my initial thought was to purchase the Nikon Z 800mm 6.3 and later the Z 180-600 to cover the range of my AF-S 80-400mm, which I never have liked that much. I learned of the existence of this forum when I was searching for information on the merits of continued use of my Nikon 500mm PF lens versus a Nikon Z 180-600mm, Nikon Z 600mm 6.3, or Nikon Z 800mm 6.3.

I thought I would share some hummingbird images I took at the end of August / beginning of September that were taken at Chatfield Farms in Littleton, Colorado, a place I wish I had known about earlier. In speaking to some people who were there photographing hummingbirds, I should have started visiting in July when the male hummingbirds were more prevalent. I only saw one during the three days I visited this location, and I took thousands of images. I’m going to share ten of those images, hopefully that isn’t too many.


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/5.6, ISO 3600


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3, ISO 1600


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/5000 sec at f/8.0, ISO 3200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/5.6, ISO 1800 - I liked the transparency of the wings in this image


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3, ISO 1250


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF + 1.4 TC, 1/4000 sec at f/8., ISO 2200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 1100


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 5000


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 7200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF + 1.4 TC, 1/4000 sec at f/8., ISO 8000
This is my first post on this site, so I thought I would introduce myself and provide some background.

I have a website at philgoble.smugmug.com. I don’t sell my images; I use the website to enable me to view my images and to share my images with family, friends and acquaintances. There was a great thread on bcgforums.com about the merits of photography. The greatest benefits for me are that it gets me out into nature and to locations I might not otherwise visit, and it provides me with a photographic record of things I’ve seen. When I look at a photograph I have taken, a lot of the circumstances surrounding the image and the things I felt at that time come back to me.

I shot mostly landscapes and cityscapes until I moved to Colorado a couple of years ago after retiring. I decided to focus more on wildlife photography, particularly bird photography after relocating. I was using my Nikon D850 and the Nikon 500mm with or without a 1.4 TC until October 2023 when I swapped my spare Nikon D810 for the Nikon Z8. This greatly improved my ability to capture BIF images. I find that I use the Nikon 500mm with the 1.4 TC attached quite a bit, so my initial thought was to purchase the Nikon Z 800mm 6.3 and later the Z 180-600 to cover the range of my AF-S 80-400mm, which I never have liked that much. I learned of the existence of this forum when I was searching for information on the merits of continued use of my Nikon 500mm PF lens versus a Nikon Z 180-600mm, Nikon Z 600mm 6.3, or Nikon Z 800mm 6.3.

I thought I would share some hummingbird images I took at the end of August / beginning of September that were taken at Chatfield Farms in Littleton, Colorado, a place I wish I had known about earlier. In speaking to some people who were there photographing hummingbirds, I should have started visiting in July when the male hummingbirds were more prevalent. I only saw one during the three days I visited this location, and I took thousands of images. I’m going to share ten of those images, hopefully that isn’t too many.


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/5.6, ISO 3600


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3, ISO 1600


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/5000 sec at f/8.0, ISO 3200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/5.6, ISO 1800 - I liked the transparency of the wings in this image


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3, ISO 1250


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF + 1.4 TC, 1/4000 sec at f/8., ISO 2200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 1100


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 5000


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF, 1/4000 sec at f/6.3., ISO 7200


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500 PF + 1.4 TC, 1/4000 sec at f/8., ISO 8000
Beautiful shots Phil! Well done. 👍👍👍Welcome to the forum.