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Doing what chipmunks do best, hanging out beneath the bird feeder.

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Beautiful photo - like all animals - they are food driven - but boy they like to go the extra mile getting to it - my resident one has no issue coming into my kitchen
Thanks, Elsa. Yeah. it's a constant battle of wits between me and them. They keep trying to find new ways to get onto the bird feeder, and I keep having to come up with moves to counter when they are successful. Talk about persistent, innovative little buggers. If left to do their thing, they empty out a feeder overnight, carry all the seed away and go stash it somewhere else. Lord knows, they steal enough food to last them four seasons! Remember the old cartoons on TV with them stuffing their cheeks? I can vouch for the accuracy of that depiction.
Thanks, Elsa. Yeah. it's a constant battle of wits between me and them. They keep trying to find new ways to get onto the bird feeder, and I keep having to come up with moves to counter when they are successful. Talk about persistent, innovative little buggers. If left to do their thing, they empty out a feeder overnight, carry all the seed away and go stash it somewhere else. Lord knows, they steal enough food to last them four seasons! Remember the old cartoons on TV with them stuffing their cheeks? I can vouch for the accuracy of that depiction.
Well I am going to have hundreds of peanut and sunflower trees on my lawn this next season - it's planted to capacity 😂
We have a Brome Squirrel Buster that does a good job of keeping the squirrels out of the feed.
Since the Brome Classic works on the weight of the squirrel pushing the base down, thus closing the feeding ports, how will that work for the much smaller chipmunk?
Since the Brome Classic works on the weight of the squirrel pushing the base down, thus closing the feeding ports, how will that work for the much smaller chipmunk?
I can’t directly answer your question. I know Blue Jays close the cage, multiple larger song birds on the feeder all at the same time as well. But, one chipmunk???