My summer with the Nikon Z8 ...and Lyme Disease!

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After much thought and consideration I bought a Z8 as a second camera to my Z9 in early June. Or so I thought. It turned out to become my main camera this summer.

At the same I got my new camera I also got a bug bite on my thigh that was growing in size. About 4 days after I first discovered the bite I got really sick with headache, muscle- and jointpain and fever. That was on a thursday and I went to the E.R. around 10 pm and got antibiothics for an infected bug bite as the bite didn't look like Lyme Disease. The following saturday the bite has grown to about 11 centimeters in size and even though my fever was gone I was really sick, so I went to the E.R. again and this time Lyme Desease was a fact. After a hevy antibiotics cure over two weeks my somptoms was gone but I strugled with fatigue since.

So that brings me to the Z8. Well to make it short, the Z8 has been my main camera this summer because of the weight. Even with my strenght and and energy gone, I have managed to haul my 600 TC araound and the Z8 with it's lighter weight has made it so much easier to handle. As I've gotten used to the Z8 I really love it, and I prefer it over my Z9, even with my 600 TC.

So what is my point with this story you might think? Well I'm not sure. Maybe to share my story and advice folks to take precaution when it comes to ticks. Or maybe how good the Z8 is, even paired with a big telephoto lens ;)

To add to the story I was at the doctors again in early September with a new insect bite that was growing and I've got Lyme Disease for the second time since June. How is it possible you think? Well, I have taken precautions with my clothes impregnated with permethrin and insect repellant on my skin. And never saw the ticks, I just had these bites that just growed in size.

Hope this babling make sence. Be careful out there and remember that good health isn't guaranteed.

Here is some images made with the Z8 this summer.

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Quite a story! So sorry for your troubles. I am phobic about ticks, and always take precautions, but of course luck has a lot to do with it too, as you well know. Anyway, very nice images, especially the first one, which is spectacular. Well done!
Stunning images! I, too, love my Z8+600mm TC combo! I can't carry it around very far, though!

Sorry to hear about contracting Lyme Disease, twice! Both hubby and I have been bitten in the past, but thankfully did not get Lyme. Take care and don't over do it!
Sorry to hear that; hope you'll feel like normal again soon.

Nice shots! I use the Z9/Z8 combination as well; there's definitely times where the Z8 gets the preference.
Thank you @ajrmd! The deer tick you linked to looks to be the same as here, at least similar if not the same. The population of ticks has exploded the last 20 years here where I live. Guess climate change with warmer winters and more rain is a big reason.
I have always been spending much time in nature and as a kid in the 80’s and a teenager in the 90’s we didn’t see any ticks at all, Todays situation is another story.
So now both my youngest daughter and I have had Lyme Disease, she was pretty sick and had to stay a week in hospital.
After much thought and consideration I bought a Z8 as a second camera to my Z9 in early June. Or so I thought. It turned out to become my main camera this summer.

At the same I got my new camera I also got a bug bite on my thigh that was growing in size. About 4 days after I first discovered the bite I got really sick with headache, muscle- and jointpain and fever. That was on a thursday and I went to the E.R. around 10 pm and got antibiothics for an infected bug bite as the bite didn't look like Lyme Disease. The following saturday the bite has grown to about 11 centimeters in size and even though my fever was gone I was really sick, so I went to the E.R. again and this time Lyme Desease was a fact. After a hevy antibiotics cure over two weeks my somptoms was gone but I strugled with fatigue since.

So that brings me to the Z8. Well to make it short, the Z8 has been my main camera this summer because of the weight. Even with my strenght and and energy gone, I have managed to haul my 600 TC araound and the Z8 with it's lighter weight has made it so much easier to handle. As I've gotten used to the Z8 I really love it, and I prefer it over my Z9, even with my 600 TC.

So what is my point with this story you might think? Well I'm not sure. Maybe to share my story and advice folks to take precaution when it comes to ticks. Or maybe how good the Z8 is, even paired with a big telephoto lens ;)

To add to the story I was at the doctors again in early September with a new insect bite that was growing and I've got Lyme Disease for the second time since June. How is it possible you think? Well, I have taken precautions with my clothes impregnated with permethrin and insect repellant on my skin. And never saw the ticks, I just had these bites that just growed in size.

Hope this babling make sence. Be careful out there and remember that good health isn't guaranteed.

Here is some images made with the Z8 this summer.

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Lyme got so bad where I grew up (island off coast of maine) that the community has been trying everything to reduce it. You would get deer ticks literally anywhere including the front lawn. Right now they're working to treat the deer with insecticides to kill off the tick population. My father's had it, wife, brother and a bunch of people I know. The key is if you even remote suspect Lyme get on antibiotics immediately as waiting makes things very bad. And you don't always show any of the typical symptoms like the bullseye rash.

Permethrin clothing and taping your pantlegs and tucking in shirts is a must, followed by a tick inspection when you get home.

My dogs had it so many times we just started having them tested routinely, fortunately they both lived long lives uneffected by lyme being diligent about detecting it.

I would do the same living in a lyme area or if you visit, be aware.

Also fantastic shots worth the risk of Lyme! :LOL: