My Z8 switched to JPEG only

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I used my Z8 this morning and it recorded JPEG plus RAW as it should (that's how I have it set up). This afternoon I did a shoot and when I got home I discovered it recorded JPEG standard only (instead of JPEG fine plus RAW). Has this happened to anyone else? I did not change it. However when I was shooting this morning I did go into the i menu (which I never use) because it was also mysteriously set to AF-S instead of AF-C. (I ended up exiting i menu and going into main menu to fix this). However the few shots I did this morning after hitting i menu were still recording RAW as well. The only thing I did between shoots was charge the battery and format the memory card in camera. Has anyone else experienced this?
I just did an internet search and found a feature I was unaware of (a bad feature IMO). Is it possible I accidentally hit these buttons at the same time?
Note - I never (and I mean never) use the BKT button, though I may have accidentally. If you hit the expsoure compensation button and one of the other main dial buttons (like MODE) at the same time does that also initiate a change?
Strange. Did all those other settings in the link you posted also reset?
Good question. Most of those in the chart I have not changed anyway. However, I did change white balance to auto plus warm and it is now set to full auto (without warm). So yes, it appears the other settings did change so I must have somehow hit these top two buttons simultaneously on accident. I am glad I discovered this now on a local shoot instead of two weeks when I am on a photo trip.
+1 For inadvertently changed photo shooting bank. Both af-s, file type and focus area mode are under the photo settings and saved to photo shooting bank.
Setup camera as you want and make copy of bank A to all other banks if you do not use banks. Remove photo bank from i-menu if not used and customs settings fn button that applies at default settings. Do the same for customs settings bank, which have seprate A to D bank.

Save copy of settings to card under setup menu. Reload settings before each card format and save again after format is best way to preserve all settings. See Hudson Henry video
I think @m1mgd00 and @Bennvdm have solved the mystery! I do not use banks, but I noticed it now says Bank B. I don't know how that changed but I will try to follow the excellent advice provided by Bennvdm (though having never done any of that it's a bit overwhelming). If it becomes too much I can just take it to Tucson Camera Repair where I bought it and have him walk me through it.
Watch Steve’s and or Hudson Henry’s excellent z8 setup video’s on youtube or if interested in even more info, buy Steve’s Z8/9 setup guide book. Good value for what it provides And fall back for settings and advice for functions you are not using yet. Only watch shooting banks, custom button assignment and i-menu customization portions to better understand my cryptic reply. Steve does not use or recommend banks, whilst Hudson does. Bank portion of hudson is very good and useful if you shoot multiple genres.

Here is slighty longer version for most important part. Banks is complex Pro version of U1, U2 etc settings of Nikons consumer line cameras. Shooting banks, saves all settings done under shoot menu to Shoot memory A-D. Custom settings banks are also confusingly named A-D and are totally seperate from shooting banks. This only stores settings under custom settings menu. Shooting and custom banks are not and cannot be linked, so if switch to B on shoot, you will still be under A under custom settings, so allows up to 16 combinations.

If all banks are set the same and your preferred defaults, it won’t matter much if switch banks inadvertent. If Shooting Bank A is setup with your preferred settings, it is easier to copy bank A to B-C than to change bank and do all setup changes multiple times (ie once for each bank). Rest is to make it harder to switch inadvertantly

Check your i-menu if says Shoot A / B on any icon. Is like that on camera defaults, so easy to click on by mistake and switch banks. Remove this from i-menu if not used and replace something that you would use frequently for easy access without menu diving.

I think fn1 or fn2 button on front is also for changing shooting bank when held in with control wheel to change on camera default settings. Assign button to something else that you would use. This is stored under custom settings bank, so also needs to be copied from Bank A to D to make all settings under the customs settings the same accross all banks.
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@Bennvdm Thanks for detailed reply. Am I the only person here who thinks cameras have too many menu options now and are unnecessarily complicated?
my pleasure.

A lot of the settings and new features are great, but can really do with a better thought out logical layout and practical ergonomics for ease of use. Designed by engineers for engineers and not for photographers. Some probably also included due to marketing departsment must have this feature before it is really ready for deployment, oh wait does nikon have a marketing department- tongue in cheek- great product, but very bad marketing, functioning of camera with default settings/ auto modes makes product look inferior to the competetion product whilst beeing cheaper and better featured. Not meant as brand bash, but as critisism of nikon marketing of especially the z8 where youtube reviewers rate the competition as better mixed use camera. Bash the lack of user friendlyless modes and requires learning time to master. Rant over.

To many things are legacy carry overs like thank Bank systems on nikon Pro / semi pro line. These can do with a total redesign, but long time customers are quick to complain it has work like this for my last 5 nikons and now they decided to change it. With today’s technology I am sure you can enable a legacy mode for those users as option vs new way as default. Microsoft did the same with Windows 8 interface change after some updates to enable Windows 7 like interface. Windows 8 interface is still in use with windows 10 & 11 (latter with bigger changes).

I had to make the big adjustment when jumping from D7000 to the D500. Did not even know how to change to aperture priority without consulting the manual or some googling.

The z8 is probably worse impacted, as a lot of enthusiasts jumped onto there 1st flagship type camera due to price drop from normal 6500usd for a D5 etc. D4-D6 was really sports action low light specialist use case camera with low megapixel and has evolved to great allrounder camera incl video, with menu’s etc carried over from D6 as starting point.
Pro Wedding photographers and studio photographers mostly used D750, D850 etc. and also seeing a lot of complaints from them on z8/z9. Switch from D850 should be a bit easier as also used nikons pro layout like D500, but d850 was also great allrounder with less complicated setup.
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@Bennvdm Thanks for detailed reply. Am I the only person here who thinks cameras have too many menu options now and are unnecessarily complicated?
I also have a Hasselblad X2D. Its a joy to use. Hassy colours are super good. The camera itself is simply gorgeous and it has very few features ... almost back to basics, but what it does, it does very very well. While I love the Z8, I can do without many of its features - even if I could remember them !! Its an age thing ... :0(
If we really want to get extreme, I would love a camera with NO video capability (something I never use). Even if they made a Z8a (or whatever they call it) that sold for the exact same price but had no video button and no video menu, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
They can probably fix it with firmware update if they bother to.
1stly Have a basic mode vs advanced mode toggle as 1st option on the menu Or better yet a small questionare of your intented use case to do automatic config and menu view, even if you need to do this from your pc, mac or smart phone app if cannot be supported on camera.

Focal snapshots app allows you to do every setting of camera on phone and upload and download to camera for multiple use case version. Just make this a bit smarter with auto suggested settings and menu based on questionare.

2ndly ship the camera with default settings and auto mode that work better out straight out of th box.
3rdly, have a proper basic and advanced user guide written by a photographer and not an engineer as not everyone wants to read a 1000+ pg user manual that is poorly written

As per my previous post, I think Nikon thought only specialist D5/D6 crowd would upgrade to Z8/9 and user base became a lot wider with price drops. Poor decision to base menu’s etc on D6 and Z
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I have to add point nr 0, as likely the most important one.

1st Nikon have to acknowledge that there is a problem and then start working on fixing it…

These type of companies need to learn from smartphone companies. The software part of the device is likely more important than the hardware part providing performance and spec improvement on the new model.
Means little, as most users will not use it if software part used to operate it is not done right. I wonder about the budget allocation between software development vs hardware development.

At least Nikon brought out a lot of new feautures/ improvements that was part of the original Z9 promised to come later. The same cannot be said for all mirrorless brands where new features on base models are not even added to their current flagship as they want to sell you version ii to get the update.

I wonder how long models would stay current if they implement paid for firmware software updates for new features vs holding it back to make you buy the next version.

This probably requires a big resource/ budget additional budget or reallocation from dslr days and mirorless to get adequate resources on software side
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If we really want to get extreme, I would love a camera with NO video capability (something I never use). Even if they made a Z8a (or whatever they call it) that sold for the exact same price but had no video button and no video menu, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

But you would loose a customisable button.
If we really want to get extreme, I would love a camera with NO video capability (something I never use). Even if they made a Z8a (or whatever they call it) that sold for the exact same price but had no video button and no video menu, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

I'm at the opposite spectrum, give me a Z9C with electronic ND filter, shutter angle dial, XLR input, and USB output to SSD, and open gate! And a set of cine lenses.
I don't know how that changed but
The oldest lame excuse in the book! When I was a kid I got blamed for every screw-up—wether I was guilty or no!. When something broke and In was asked about it, I usually answered "somebody must have done it", so my parents and siblings began calling me somebody! Which was a real insult, since my favorite literary character at the time was Nicky Nobody and his dog Chum!
I had this happen to me a couple of years ago, too, with my D500. I had downloaded my photos to my Mac and was going through them when I noticed that they were RAW+JPEG! I didn't recall changing ANY of the camera settings between the prior time I'd used the camera and then. I just set it back to RAW only, and the problem has never repeated itself.

To this day, I still don't know how the format change happened.