Name this caterpillar

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Well-known member
D500, 300mm f/4 PF

(I submitted it to to find out.)

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I've started using using Google Lens for trying to identify some of these things. I plugged your picture into it and the first two results were different kinds of sawfly larvae. It's been pretty helpful. Anyone else tried it out?

(I've deleted the picture from my phone, btw)
I've started using using Google Lens for trying to identify some of these things. I plugged your picture into it and the first two results were different kinds of sawfly larvae. It's been pretty helpful. Anyone else tried it out?

(I've deleted the picture from my phone, btw)
Thought about Lens, but I did it the hard way. Googled ‘caterpillar white black stripe’, then switched results to images. I scrolled to the second page… there it was. I have taxonomic keys here (yep, books), but they’re easier to use with physical specimens rather than photographs. I’m going try working with Lens for a while. Especially if it’s more efficient. I’m not a total glutton for punishment. :p