Native Wisconsin Brown Stinkbug and 2 helicon focus radius renderings of an Oxide Sunflower bud

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Bill M

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Caught the stinkbug hanging out on the screen early this morning. Took a 6 photo stacked image of a small Oxide Sunflower bud with soft backlighting and used both Radius A and Radius B renderings. I have included both renderings in this post so those interested can see the comparison. I personally prefer Radius B for my own tastes. Do you have a preference?

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2021-07-17 13-25-44 (B,Radius8,Smoothing10).jpg
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Radius B Rendering Above

2021-07-17 13-25-56 (A,Radius8,Smoothing10).jpg
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Radius A Rendering Above
Thanks Andrew. This particular stack demonstrated with these two renderings, which as Dan observed, that either is acceptable. B in this example is a bit more sharp and detailed whereas A is a bit softer to my eye. Genrally when I compare the renderings of my other stacks there is a distinct and clear winner.