Near miss, near success ~ Lioness and cubs.

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Early one morning, day before Christmas 2009, I ran into the hide at Nossob just to "look" before we were on our way for the day's outing in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Just grabbed one body with the 200-400 F/4 because it was going to be a quick look and then back to the car. Well, what a surprise! There were at least three groups of lion at and around the hide. I shot a roaring male on one side but meanwhile, right below my feet, glimpsed between the slats of the hide floor, was a massive female with two scrawny cubs. People were taking shots with their mobiles through the slots while I was like, banging my head because my lens was to long, focused too far, etc! Later, she walk to the water trough, then called her cubs. Was still shooting only jpegs, into the rising sun, so not the best image but interaction was SO nice to see. And not once did they turn back to look at the camera!
D300#2 2009 12 24 5040 1.jpg
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Splendid photos Callie. I particularly love the second. The glow of the light on his face is amazing. You have truly captured the august nature of this male lion!
Splendid photos Callie. I particularly love the second. The glow of the light on his face is amazing. You have truly captured the august nature of this male lion!
Thanks Kathy!
Ah, Kathy, the thesaurus is already supplying royal dividends! ;) Do you like the aureate colour painted on by the sun ?
Yes, I do. It provides a breathtaking aesthetic!
Do you guys know how difficult your language is for a non-English speaker, it is not even phonetic like mine, some words nearly unpronounceable like the one I learned this morning! And then there are the many accents too!
Well, when you consider that English is made up of something like 80% foreign words, what do you expect? Add to that, British, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, American, Oz and NZ, etc., variations, you don't stand a chance. :cool: Now try Japanese, それはとても難しいです. Once upon a time, I could hold a conversation, now I am flat out saying hello. :cry:
Well, when you consider that English is made up of something like 80% foreign words, what do you expect? Add to that, British, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, American, Oz and NZ, etc., variations, you don't stand a chance. :cool: Now try Japanese, それはとても難しいです. Once upon a time, I could hold a conversation, now I am flat out saying hello. :cry:
Peter, you forgot SA English, that is another kettle of fish! And the fish is a bit off! :rolleyes: Never encountered oriental languages, will not know where to begin. Have picked up some OZ English, quite like it!
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