Nearly my third “return to Nikon” - 600pf lens hood …but I’m an idiot

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Just in case anyone else has had a problem removing the lens hood on their 600PF (and possibly applies to others). I was finding the lens hood progressively more difficult to remove. I contacted my dealer who asked me how I was attempting to remove the hood and after I described this manoeuvre, agreed with me that a replacement was in order. They didn’t have one in stock but Nikon UK did. All appeared sorted without me having to send the lens to them.

Then I began to think (it’s always good to do that last isn’t it 😊) …. “I’ve been meaning to read the instructions for this for some time… better check”. So I did and discovered the key phrase at the bottom of this screenshot. What an eejit… RTM…😂

The key point is to hold the hood by the proximal ‘ring’ and not the outer edge of the hood.

Apologies if this is all too obvious for everyone. DOH.

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I gave seen this with other hoods as well. Squeeze the front too tight and the hood deforms making it harder to remove. I have done the same on thin frame filters, squeeze too tight and no way it comes off, loosen up the grip and voila... That is why the filter remover tools work well, uniform pressure around the circumference.
Kudos to you for the wisdom to read the directions (as a last resort, but nonetheless) and the humility and selflessness to report the affair here, so that we-who-would-do-the-same may learn from your experience and save us needless stress (and save Nikon additional hood returns).
Thank you! (y) :)

Thanks for this wisdom. My wife wants to know now where my alignment mark is cause she says twisting my head doesn't do much!:coffee::ROFLMAO:

I want to reassure you, I made the same mistake and returned to the store where I bought my 600 PF to tell them that the hood was defective :sneaky:

Thanks so much, used my new 600 in Yellowstone last week and kept having trouble getting the hood off. Then all of a sudden it would just turn right off and I couldn’t figure out why. Now I know. I also didn’t realize those instructions were meant to be read. 🙄

I gave seen this with other hoods as well. Squeeze the front too tight and the hood deforms making it harder to remove. I have done the same on thin frame filters, squeeze too tight and no way it comes off, loosen up the grip and voila... That is why the filter remover tools work well, uniform pressure around the circumference.
Thanks guys. Yes it’s the deforming of the hood that seems to jam it. Simply turning it at the base means it rotates with embarrassing ease! I think we all need that coffee recommendation now!