Need help opening Sony RAW file in ACR

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I'm hoping someone can help.
I've always shot in RAW with my Sony a7R5 and never had an issue opening any files in ACR.
Yesterday I took some photos and downloaded them onto my computer and I get an error message. (see below)

You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.

I checked the camera settings and everything looks good.
Why is this happening.
Thank you for your help.
If I open one of the files in Finder then click File>Get Info Locked is not checked and under Sharing and Permissions: You can read and write.
Is ACR prevented from accessing files in the folder, i.e., is it only able to access the files read only? Ensure that Photoshop has full disk access: System settings ==> Privacy & Security ==> Full Disk Access. Adobe Photoshop should be in the list with the icon on the right edge of the window selected (in blue color).
Is ACR prevented from accessing files in the folder, i.e., is it only able to access the files read only? Ensure that Photoshop has full disk access: System settings ==> Privacy & Security ==> Full Disk Access. Adobe Photoshop should be in the list with the icon on the right edge of the window selected (in blue color).
I've never had that enabled and have always been able to open any file.
I did go to the path you posted and enabled PS.
Same error message when I try and open a file.
May try a call to Adobe, they answer all questions and are very supportive. And you will get going right away.
Have you tried a few photos in another folder to see if they open? Best of luck to ya.