New Photo AI?

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I have been using DeNoise and Sharpen a lot, but no updates for a long time. I just got the news that Photo AI v3.2.0 -- 3 NEW Sharpen Models + Personal Autopilot is now available. Should I change? Lightroom is good with denoise and sharpening too, but I use Topaz more. Can anybody give me advice?
I can’t speak to Lightroom as I don’t use it but I have been using Photo AI for about a year and a half. I think it has matured quite well. No AI thing is going to be perfect at default parameters. They all require some tweaking. I don’t expect that DeNoise and Sharpen will continue to be maintained. I was actually surprised that GigaPixel was updated. If my choice was between DeNoise/Sharpen vs Photo AI then I would choose Photo AI as it is being actively improved. I’ve had updates days apart to no more than a few weeks apart. I don’t use it on all of my images but when you find the right scenario it is invaluable.
I find DxO 4 much better than Photo AI for noise…but do use the latter for end of PP sharpening some. I’ve tried Steve’s LR only noise but for me the more automated solutions work better.
I can’t speak to Lightroom as I don’t use it but I have been using Photo AI for about a year and a half. I think it has matured quite well. No AI thing is going to be perfect at default parameters. They all require some tweaking. I don’t expect that DeNoise and Sharpen will continue to be maintained. I was actually surprised that GigaPixel was updated. If my choice was between DeNoise/Sharpen vs Photo AI then I would choose Photo AI as it is being actively improved. I’ve had updates days apart to no more than a few weeks apart. I don’t use it on all of my images but when you find the right scenario it is invaluable.
Thank you - I guess I will migrate 👍
IMHO Topaz sharpening, denoise and gigapixel algorithms are better than Adobe's algorithms. Most of the time I use LrC and PS sharpening and denoise, which work well if the original image is in pretty good shape. Topaz shines when the images are not in such good shape. Topaz does an amazing job at removing subject and camera motion or when the image is out of focus. and is better at reducing noise, especially in shadows. I have rescued images with Topaz that I could not with LrC or PS. So I have both an Adobe subscription and Topaz Photo AI and Gigapixel AI upgrade package. What I don't like about Topax is their business model. They plain suck! We buy products like Sharpen and Denoise, which they end up discontinuing to sell you a new program like Photo AI, then there's the annual cost of bug fixes and upgrades... I much prefer the Adobe model of a monthly subscription fee where you get amazing feature enhancements as well as bug fixes and performance improvements on a pretty regular basis. For example, I did not pay anything extra for the PS Beta version with image creation / enhancement AI.