New Photographer Looking for Feedback

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Hello everyone!

I just began shooting landscapes and wildlife a few weeks ago and I have been drinking from a firehose of information via eBooks and YouTube videos. I recently went on a trip to Montana where I would hike with the sunrise and shoot wildlife, then in the evening watch videos on how I could improve, applying that information the next day. Unfortunately, while going through the 15000 or so photos that I took while on the trip, I realized that I made some pretty fundamental mistakes such as using spot metering on my landscape photos, blowing out my whites constantly and using digital zoom :(

I am also trying to learn photo editing for the first time and have been playing around with Lightroom. I tried to salvage some of the photos from my trip, which were all unfortunately shot in JPEG. The last of these photos was my first time experimenting with shooting RAW. I am looking for some honest critique from those with more experience regarding just about everything from composition to editing advice. I apologize if the images are not quite the correct size for the forum, as I tried to download the preset for exporting forum photos in Lightroom, but the tutorial video did not match up at all with the way my Lightroom is setup and I could not figure out how to add the preset.

These were all shot handheld with a Panasonic Lumix FZ300 bridge camera. I apologize for not knowing what the settings were, but I believe I was shooting with shutter speed priority mode.

Thanks in advance!

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