New to D850 in the last 2 months

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Can someone tell me what the real purpose/function of the Multiple Exposure Mode is? There are a couple of videos out there showing it able to stack 10 different exposures in camera and to be used when you don't have a filter. They leave no detail on how that is accomplished and for the life of me, I can't figure out how they done it.

Best that I can tell is this mode is for blending different photos together from a series of shots and nothing to do with different exposures.

It would be extremely awesome if the Exposure Bracketing and the Focus Stacking could blend the photos together in camera.

Thanking you in advance for any help.

Multiple exposure records up to ten RAW exposures as a single photograph. In the film days it would mean shooting multiple images without advancing the film. In digital photography there are some nuances that aren’t available using a film camera. It’s not the same as focus stacking, though. In this context, Nikon uses the word “exposure” to mean capturing an image by pressing the shutter button. It’s not a reference to SS / Aperture / ISO.
Thanks for the reply to my question. That is what I kinda figured out but wasn't sure. The couple of videos I seen made it look like they were doing some sort of exposure bracketing but it was different and then the camera did all of the work blending the shots together which was really cool. They didn't give any details just overview stuff.
It's kind of cool to play around with, but anything it can do Photoshop can do. Still it feels "authentic" to do it straight out of the camera for some folks.
Multiple exposure is a throwback to the film camera days when you could re-cock the shutter without advancing the film. It was a bit tricky to get the exposure(s) right. I haven't used it since digital and Photoshop. As others have mentioned, it's much easier to get good results in Photoshop than in camera.

Enjoy your D850. I still use mine for everything but birding where I use a Z9 for IBIS and the AF system. I asked my wife that when the time comes, to bury me with my D850 and Kiesel Aires guitar.