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Just purchased a Nikon Z8 and when switching from manual to manual Auto ISO the iso auto text in the viewfinder constantly flashes? I have no iso sensitivity restrictions set. The DX icon will flash or can be turned off. Not so for the iso auto? Just seems annoying. Am I missing something here?
I'm also new to Nikon and got my Z8 a few weeks ago. Still a lot to learn.
Currently reading Steve's setup guide. Highly recommended.

Just checked, it flashes on mine too. I've not noticed this before.
Took some test shot, all fine and correctly exposed.
So far, for birds I've mostly used full manual mode and for landscape and macro I've used aperture priority with ISO 64 or 100.
I guess that's the way it is then. Just seems silly. Distracting. Maybe hound Nikon to include in a firmware update to at least have the option of turning it off. I am also trying to understand the usefulness of "normal" VR. Image jumps out of composition. Also seems to be the norm. Everyone just uses "sport" mode. What use is normal?
I thought that was the case at first. I have no restrictions on iso. Wide open. It just wants to keep reminding you you're in Auto ISO over and over and a broken traffic light. When selecting DX mode it also flashes by default but you can go into menu and disable it so it does not keep flashing. I guess not so with Auto ISO setting. Amazing.
Just purchased a Nikon Z8 and when switching from manual to manual Auto ISO the iso auto text in the viewfinder constantly flashes? I have no iso sensitivity restrictions set. The DX icon will flash or can be turned off. Not so for the iso auto? Just seems annoying. Am I missing something here?
When Auto ISO is on, if the ISO determined by the camera for the scene (using the current aperture and SS settings) is different than the ISO set in the ISO Sensitivity Settings menu, Auto ISO will blink on the EVF and monitor. It’s to make the photographer aware of the variance. As far as I know the blinking cannot be disabled.
I was wondering if the camera couldn't make a centered exposure with the current settings it would blink. Say you can't go lower than 64 but are still overexposed if you don't have fast enough shutter speed set.
I was wondering if the camera couldn't make a centered exposure with the current settings it would blink. Say you can't go lower than 64 but are still overexposed if you don't have fast enough shutter speed set.
Just tried that on my Z6III with ISO set to 100 (base ISO). Auto ISO doesn’t change ISO below that value and Auto ISO doesn’t blink.
I wish. I can set a perfect exposure in manual and as soon as I engage Auto ISO it will just blink / flash to let me know I'm in auto. Was hoping someone knew if there was a way to disengage this behavior.
I wish. I can set a perfect exposure in manual and as soon as I engage Auto ISO it will just blink / flash to let me know I'm in auto. Was hoping someone knew if there was a way to disengage this behavior.
As I mentioned above (post #7) I don’t think the Auto ISO blinking behavior can be disabled.
I was wondering if the camera couldn't make a centered exposure with the current settings it would blink. Say you can't go lower than 64 but are still overexposed if you don't have fast enough shutter speed set.
That’s not how Nikon handles it. If the camera goes beyond the limit like high or low ISO the exposure meter starts showing under or over exposure on the meter in the viewfinder.

They could do as you suggest but that’s not how it’s currently implemented.
I read something to that effect. I set iso to base 64 in menu. Max sensitivity 25600 (will never need it but...). Go to Auto ISO and flash flash flash.

Funny how your Z6III does not behave like the Z8. I'm new to Nikon from Canon R5. Is the Z6III newer than Z8?
I read something to that effect. I set iso to base 64 in menu. Max sensitivity 25600 (will never need it but...). Go to Auto ISO and flash flash flash.

Funny how your Z6III does not behave like the Z8. I'm new to Nikon from Canon R5. Is the Z6III newer than Z8?
I assume this is meant for me 🙂. I have a Z9, Z8, and Z6III. In what I mentioned in my replies they behave identically.

The Z6III was announced in mid June. It’s newer than the Z8.
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