New Used D500 - Surprised?

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I have two D500s already, so why buy another one? The next "logical move" would be a Z8. I just don't want to spend $3500 for a Z8, then more for new batteries, a lens adapter, CFexpress cards and a new card reader. I'm quite happy with my D500s, one of which has something like 400,000 shutter actuations. I decided to pick up a used D500 with only 19,000 clicks on it as a sort of camera in reserve since I know it won't be long until virtually all parts for the D500 will be impossible to find should I need a repair. I got the camera for $750, the only "fault" on it being some very minor scratches on the rear LCD. The money I save can go toward photography road trips, trips for my wife to compete in triathlons, and boring stuff like new tires or home repairs, etc.

For the record, we're also trying to get a quarter million miles out of one of our cars before it bites the dust :)

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Congrats on your new D500. It is a great camera. I love mine. Still have it, but sadly my D850 and now Z8 have supplanted it.
Fully understand not wanting to spend the extra money when you are very happy with your D500's.
Keep shooting and enjoying your D500'.
Nothing wrong with a D500, it was the last DSLR I parted with and I captured an awful lot of my favorite images with one of those. IMO from an image quality, AF performance and overall fun standpoint it's easily the best crop sensor DSLR Nikon ever produced and that includes their early crop sensor flagship cameras which I owned several of...

It's a pretty great time to get into wildlife photography with all the high end used F mount gear on the market at fantastic prices. I can't believe how great a deal some of the F mount glass is today :)
The best decision! Had I found a similar offer, I'll have a D500 instead of a Z6 today! Enjoy the upcoming decade of D500 usage, and the evwr growing pool of used, top notch F-mount glass, you lucky person, you! ;-)
I don't know if it's a good move or not. Since you have a couple already maybe a d850 gives you more options as you delay the inevitable.
Long live the D500! Gave mine to my son to replace my old D300 which is going to my other son. My D70 still works too.

When the AF motor of my D700, handed down from my father, died, my D300 went to my father to replace his trusted D200 which serves alongside a D750. The D70 still works as well, the nasty scratch on the sensor is a problem so (no idea were that came from...). Still miss the D700, she's sitting on a shelf nowadays...
Excellent Woody! The D500 is a terrific camera.. You don’t need to look far in this forum to find impressive images. Too many times folks have gravitated to the “flavor of the moment” when what they have is working well for them. There is something to be said for knowing all the control layouts that will be familiar in you hand…
Nothing wrong with a D500, it was the last DSLR I parted with and I captured an awful lot of my favorite images with one of those. IMO from an image quality, AF performance and overall fun standpoint it's easily the best crop sensor DSLR Nikon ever produced and that includes their early crop sensor flagship cameras which I owned several of...

It's a pretty great time to get into wildlife photography with all the high end used F mount gear on the market at fantastic prices. I can't believe how great a deal some of the F mount glass is today :)
The used glass entered into my thoughts, as well. I should be able to replace my 500 PF if (God forbid) I need to down the line. There are a good number of other excellent F mount lenses that will be around for years to come in the used market, as well.
Congrats on your new D500. It is a great camera. I love mine. Still have it, but sadly my D850 and now Z8 have supplanted it.
Fully understand not wanting to spend the extra money when you are very happy with your D500's.
Keep shooting and enjoying your D500'.

The best decision! Had I found a similar offer, I'll have a D500 instead of a Z6 today! Enjoy the upcoming decade of D500 usage, and the evwr growing pool of used, top notch F-mount glass, you lucky person, you! ;-)

Thanks to you both. :)
Long live the D500! Gave mine to my son to replace my old D300 which is going to my other son. My D70 still works too.

I had a couple of D70s once upon a time, too. Gave one away and sold one for something like $100. LOL. A couple of pics are hanging on our walls that were taken with a D70. :)
I don't know if it's a good move or not. Since you have a couple already maybe a d850 gives you more options as you delay the inevitable.
There's nothing inevitable, here. Cameras are tools and as such there is no unavoidable necessity to replace them with the latest models. The D850 has two flaws, for me. Less FPS and the focus points are not spread as completely around the frame as they are on the D500. This is a very personal thing for me, and I really am NOT cutting down the D850, which I think is the best overall DSLR Nikon ever made. Also, of course, I can buy a D500 for half of what I can get a D850 for. :) If my emphasis was almost anything other than wildlife and sports, I would absolutely want a D850. :)
For those interested - Art's Cameras in Milwaukee is showing 2 - D500s used for $999.99 ea. Not for me, but I know many are looking for good used D500s. Art's is a quality shop.
Good info. Right now Used Photo Pro (Robert's Camera) has a few D500s in great condition with very low shutter counts for around $850. There are great deals out there on DSLRs and F-mount lenses. Part of the reason I posted this was to let newer photographers or photographers on a budget like mine that there are plenty of great options out there in the used market. ::
Excellent Woody! The D500 is a terrific camera.. You don’t need to look far in this forum to find impressive images. Too many times folks have gravitated to the “flavor of the moment” when what they have is working well for them. There is something to be said for knowing all the control layouts that will be familiar in you hand…

Yeah, that's another reason for me to stick with what I know. I'm just super comfortable with the D500 and the control layout. :)