New Zealand panoramas

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Took these pano's on a recent family trip to New Zealand. I didn't get as many chances to get out and shoot as I had hoped but tried to make the best of the time I did. Very beautiful country to explore and photograph.

Remote barn Pano.jpg
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Straight ahead Pano.jpg
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Queenstown Pano.jpg
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Tasman Glacier Pano.jpg
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Tasman lake Pano.jpg
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Beautiful set of panos. Glad to see I am not the only one who does panos.
I have been fortunate to have visited NZ multiple times. Its beauty never ceases to amaze me.
Thank you for reminding me.
Beautiful set of panos. Glad to see I am not the only one who does panos.
I have been fortunate to have visited NZ multiple times. Its beauty never ceases to amaze me.
Thank you for reminding me.
You are very welcome and thank you for your comments. New Zealand just begs to be shot as a pano doesn't it?
First…excellent shots, and I especially like that you got the centerline exactly straight and in the middle of the shot. Second…did you use a nodal rail to solve the distortion issue when rotating the body or tweak them in LR to get rid of it. I don’t have a nodal rail as I’ve never done enough pano shots to make it worth the expense…but have always had distortion of foreground parts of the image without one.
Took these pano's on a recent family trip to New Zealand. I didn't get as many chances to get out and shoot as I had hoped but tried to make the best of the time I did. Very beautiful country to explore and photograph.

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You are very welcome and thank you for your comments. New Zealand just begs to be shot as a pano doesn't it?
Agree it begs to be shot in pano, especially for photographers like me who do not own a true wide angle lens. I will have to keep in mind trying with longer lenses like you did with these photos.
First…excellent shots, and I especially like that you got the centerline exactly straight and in the middle of the shot. Second…did you use a nodal rail to solve the distortion issue when rotating the body or tweak them in LR to get rid of it. I don’t have a nodal rail as I’ve never done enough pano shots to make it worth the expense…but have always had distortion of foreground parts of the image without one.
Thank you Anjin. I have a nodal rail but didn't use it for this shot (and to be honest often forget to use it). I believe the lack of distortion is because I shot it at 100mm and the lines are going away from me and not across the frame (except for background near mountain of course). I run into distortion more when the foreground is very close to camera and its cutting across like at beach. I'm making assumptions based on experience and not actual knowledge though. ;-)
Agree it begs to be shot in pano, especially for photographers like me who do not own a true wide angle lens. I will have to keep in mind trying with longer lenses like you did with these photos.
I have a 14-30 but didn't even bring it on the trip. I use panos to get that wide angle scene but really love to be able to bunch in real close and get detail. One of these days I'm going to start printing some of these. Internet doesn't really do panos justice.
Thank you Anjin. I have a nodal rail but didn't use it for this shot (and to be honest often forget to use it). I believe the lack of distortion is because I shot it at 100mm and the lines are going away from me and not across the frame (except for background near mountain of course). I run into distortion more when the foreground is very close to camera and its cutting across like at beach. I'm making assumptions based on experience and not actual knowledge though. ;-)
Thanks…guess I need to play with it some more…and maybe shooting with the longer lens to cut the close foreground down will help,with the distortion.
Speaking of pano merges…and not trying to hijack the thread…is there any way with LR to eliminate the inevitable parallax issues except get a nodal rail or use longer lenses and set up on the edge of the cliff so there aren’t any foreground objects.
Speaking of pano merges…and not trying to hijack the thread…is there any way with LR to eliminate the inevitable parallax issues except get a nodal rail or use longer lenses and set up on the edge of the cliff so there aren’t any foreground objects.
Nope that is the only way I'm aware of.
Nope that is the only way I'm aware of.
I was pretty sure that was the case…but sometimes people figure out workarounds that I never thought of. Guess I’ll get myself an inexpensive rail setup…about 100 or so looking at Amazon and staying away from the high priced spreads as the commercial used to say…because it’s a low usage item for me.