New Zealand Tui

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Way cool. I'm diggin photos 3 and 4 the best, but all are splendid
Thanks very much Charles, very kind of you. I have to give credit to @Steve for the clean files in this lot. I used his technique of progressively lower shutter speeds combined with high frame rate. Sure, many were ruined through subject movement but in amongst them were plenty of sharp, clean keepers. I had higher ISO "insurance shots" to fall back on but did not need them. Amazing really when you consider that these guys are hyper when they are feeding - flitting from flower to flower and pumping the flowers like demented things when they hit nectar. So most are under ISO 1,000 and shutter speeds from 1/320 to 1/500. So I really had minimal processing to do in LR, just the way I like it!
Nice set of my favorite NZ bird. And my nemesis. Several hours chasing them and never did get an image that was what I hoped for. Another reason to head back down there.
Thanks very much Dan, much appreciated. If you do ever come down this way again, make sure to PM me as I am reasonably familiar with these parts and can make sure you get what you want. Just bring plenty of cards!