Nice video from Shutterbug

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Shutterbug... I used to have a subscription to the print edition. It was the way to browse offerings from camera stores from all over, before the internet.
Somehow several years ago I started getting a weekly email with five video tips. Arrives every Tuesday.
I don't believe that I've ever seem any of them before you posted this one. Thank you for doing so; I've now subscribed.

"Back in the day"..., before the World Wide Web, Shutterbug was the print equivalent of online shopping websites for "shutterbugs." For me, it was like the Sears Roebuck Christmas Catalog back when I was a child.

I got a few really good deals from the advertisers, along with a couple of ripoffs, too. See, just like the internet! :ROFLMAO:
I don't believe that I've ever seem any of them before you posted this one. Thank you for doing so; I've now subscribed.

"Back in the day"..., before the World Wide Web, Shutterbug was the print equivalent of online shopping websites for "shutterbugs." For me, it was like the Sears Roebuck Christmas Catalog back when I was a child.

I got a few really good deals from the advertisers, along with a couple of ripoffs, too. See, just like the internet! :ROFLMAO:
Your welcome. It’s a nice newsletter. Each week it usually has something for everyone. I get it each Tuesday.