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First shot, a quick grab in wet falling snow.
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I just sent back a 400 f4.5 that I rented along with a Z7ii to try out. It is definitely a sharp lens and the light weight and balance are superb for a relatively fast aperture lens. I found that I need the versatility of a zoom, so this lens is not for me. But if you don't need a zoom, I think it strikes a good balance of aperture and portability (and value, though IMO it's a bit overpriced and should be below $3K). It's faster than a 400 (or longer) zoom that is only f5.6 or f6.3 or f7.1 but much smaller and more affordable than a 400 f2.8 .
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Agreed, not a good composition at all. I simply stood in my yard and shot the first thing that moved just to test the sharpness for myself. Of course, I also wanted an excuse to play with my new toys.Getting about here at the moment is very difficult due to heavy snow storms.