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Well-known member
I just received this lens the other day. AF and MF are both relatively loud and... I don't know. Doesn't sound normal. Anyone else have this issue with the lens.
Using "9 grading" of 7,8 & 9 for three levels of quiet, 4,5 and 6 for medium noise, and 1,2 and 3 for noisy compared to other Nikon lenses I have - I grade my copy around 6.

My 24-120 S I rate around 8,

An advantage of "9 grading" is when someone says 5 and another says 7 compared to my 6 there is some broad agreement.

If yours is around 2 compared to your other Z lenses you own there is an issue.

Over time I have noted AF and VR noise between different focal lengths can vary a lot.
The VR noise on my now sold 300 f2.8 VR first version I rated around 2.
on the Z6, my z MZ 105mm is almost silent. There's a faint noise from the motor in AF and no noise at all manual. The Af noise I can only hear when my ear is near the lens, at the eyepiece. It's a grade 10 !