Nikon 180-400mm for safari and pantanal

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Hi all, I will be going on a Botswana safari and Pantanal trip over the next 12 months. I wanted one high quality f4 lens that can cover a lot of focal range and is not astronomical in price. I will go second hand and am thinking of the Nikon 180-400mm f4 with in built converter taking it to 560mm. I know it is a F mount lens but I don’t think any Z lenses over this coverage at the same quality. I can get an excellent used one for about $4000. What are your thoughts?
I have never used this lens. Based on its specss, its weight, 7.75 lbs, might make it difficult to use in boats during your Pantanal trip. Aside from the weigh and size matter, the focal length range could work. For Botswana I would prefer a lens that gets to 600mm without a tc.
The 180-400 f4E TC14 is an excellent high quality zoom. It's ideal for larger mammals and also Animalscapes, and the optical quality is excellent at full aperture. However, there were reports that the bespoke internal TC was found wanting in some copies, notably by @Steve. My copy is excellent as a 500 f5.6 and this was the first aspect I checked on purchase.

there are superior telephotos for bird photography, particularly for smaller passerines and/or if you need to handhold mostly... So 600 PF or better 800 PF.

Over 2 years ago, I traded my excellent 400 f2.8E FL for a Used 180-400 TC in excellent condition. The 180-400 TC is fairly heavy at 3.5kg but I handhold mine on a D6 or Z9, although this is usually in a car or hide, where I can brace my arms.

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