Nikon 300mm 2.8 VRI Question.

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Hey all,
I've had four of these over the years (all sold): AIS, AF-I, and 2 x VRll's. All were crazy sharp at f2.8 with great contrast. I don't even know if I ever shot them at any other aperture. Fast forward to now...I just purchased a VR (first iteration) used and sho about 700 images to test it out. I have not had a VRI before, and it seems to be lacking in contrast at 2.8 along with some fringing or CA (blue-ish outlines). Before I decide whether or not to return it, I just want to know (from folks who have actually had their hands on this particular version) whether I'm being too critical, or if this lens isn't performing to expectations. Sharpness seems to be's the contrast and CA I'm concerned about. Thanks all!
Note: D850, D750, & D500