Nikon 400mm TC with external 1.4 TC

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I just received my 400mm TC and was testing out how it performs with the external 1.4xc TC and the internal engaged TC (784mm). Overall I think it does a pretty good job, I have heard the 2x TC is a little better and hopefully I can test that out in the next few days. The lens bare bones works great, focus is snappy and seems to lock on at 400mm or 560mm. With the external 1.4x TC attached the focus is a little slower and more prone hunt especially on birds in flight. More to come.
Gila Woodpecker (1 of 1).jpg
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Good to know, I was contemplating the same. I've used 2x with great success; however, never used the external 1.4x. Perhaps, it is time to give it a try. From your test is focusing at 560mm as good as internal 1.4x?
Good to know, I was contemplating the same. I've used 2x with great success; however, never used the external 1.4x. Perhaps, it is time to give it a try. From your test is focusing at 560mm as good as internal 1.4x?
Yes the focus seemed to be very similar to the built in TC at 560mm, where I really noticed a change was when I was at 784mm. I’ll be curious to how it behaves with 2x.
I have the 400 TC 2.8 and both TCs. There was a lot written about this when the lens was first available. Most reviewers felt that the TC20 was the best way to get longer. I have shot with the TC20 and "stacked" TCs. I agree that the TC20 is a little sharper but you really have to be pixel peeping to see it in most images. Focus is slower either way, not SLOW but noticeably slower that at 560 mm with the internal TC engaged. Stacked TCs let me switch between 560 and 784 mm with the switch but has a slight impact on IQ. The TC20 gives me 800 mm with very good IQ but I have to open the camera and lens in the field to get shorter. Like always, no free lunch.
Whether using the 1.4x + 1.4x or the 2x, I find that at 800 it's about dead nuts with the 800PF and 600TC with 1.4x engaged.

If you're pixel peeping them all next to eachother, it goes (from most sharp to least sharp) 800PF -> 600TC + 1.4x -> 400TC + 2x -> 400TC + 1.4x + 1.4x. However, if you were just seeing a single image from any of the setups, they'd all look about the same.

No hesitation using the 400TC with any of the combos.
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I've had the 800PF, 400 f4.5, and 400 f2.8TC (current long lens).
I'm not a pixel peeper and will not use test charts unless I suspect that my lens is out of alignment. I've not purchased the 2x yet, but I do have the Z TC14 since buying the 400 f4.5 in 2022 (?). I've stacked 1.4x converters with the 400TC lens when I think I need to hit 800mm or so. When shooting this way, I go into field with the 1.4x attached to the 400TC and try not to engage the built in converter unless I absolutely need to do so. When I have shot with both converters engaged, I've found the sharpness to be essentially the same as the 800PF... I also think that the AF is more responsive with 400TC / stack than the 800PF. For example, yesterday I was photographing peregrine falcons on a cliff face at Garden of the Gods in CO, and the lens tracked the falcon at full speed crossing my path and coming towards me. I was using the Z9 and even shot some in DX mode... close to 1200mm. I have quite a few shots that I think are definite keepers... BTW, I use DXO pure raw to process these.
Anyway, I think you should have no problem with stacking TC's with either the 400TC or 600TC