Nikon 600mm F4 TC Hood (loose)

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Is it possible to tighten the grip of the lens hood outside of twisting the tightening knob ? I tighten it as tight as I can, but the hood still feels like it can move left/right with not much force.

is there a way to further tighten ?

Any help very much appreciated.

Do not overtight the screw that holds the hood in place, the Z600 TC feels a lot different than the older AF-S screws (at least on my unit).

The "older" screws offered a bit more of play when twisting and allowed for the user to apply different pressures to the rubber ring, but the Z600 TC comes to a kind of a "hard stop" and tightens the hood for good, nothing disturbs it.

Try adding a thin layer of something on the ring right where you want the screw to fit just in case the screw falls short, but anyway, I'd check with the store you bought it from and claim for a replacement.
As Marcelo states, the new hoods are different to the old AF-S hoods as they are not as robust as the old carbon fiber hoods. The ring that holds the tightening screw can be deformed more easily if you tighten the screw all the way to the end of the thread. I can screw the screw to the end of its travel and still feels as though it is not fully tight against the lens ring, but it still won't come off as the screw keeps it in place in the groove around the front of the lens. Nikon is obviously trying to save as much weight as they can and by making the hood the way it is now saves about 150-200gms. For me, this is a good thing. It is not so much that it is only saving 150-200gms, but that it is 150-200gms less stuck way out in front of the lens which makes a big difference to the handling. Unless the hood keeps falling off, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

You could always invest in a Zemlin hood, but I think they may be heavier than the supplied hood. You could ask Karl about the weight of their hoods and compare it to the Nikon hood. It all depends on how much you value having a lighter weight hood stuck way out the end of the lens
I don't have this lens but I do have the 800 pf. I too use Zemlin hoods and caps.

The front glass element on these bigger lenses are very large and also very vulnerable.

the Zemlin lens caps provide effective protection to the front of the lens. They are sturdy and subsdtantial and hold sturdy to the lens. At this point I have gotten Zemlin caps for all of my larger lenses.