Nikon D500 Auto ISO issue

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Wade Abadie

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I primarily use a Nikon D500 for my wildlife photography....and I pretty much always have it set to Manual + Auto ISO. This has always worked well for me.

I usually have my maximum ISO set at 3200 or 4000. However, from time to time, I will review a photo and see that the ISO is higher than my maximum (as high as 12800), and this is in completely normal daylight conditions (not extreme low light). It is intermittent. If I turn off Auto ISO, it works as it is supposed to.

Any idea what might be causing this? (hopefully it's just a setting I'm not aware of)
Is this with single shots or one of a burst? If random and part of a burst I'd suspect the connection between the body and lens. Would also help to know the lens, I know from experience that the 24-70 f2.8 G is prone to issues like that.
Gosh....I figured out the issue. I inadvertently set the Auto ISO maximum for video instead of photo shooting. Sorry to make anyone waste brain power thinking of a solution. haha.