Nikon Publishing Repair Manuals

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That's interesting, thanks !
It was always amazing to me that there wasn't something like iFixit for phorotgraphy gear already and although this isn't a replacement for it, it might be a start having access to repair manuals and spare part catalogues.
The questions are
  • whether and when the site will including the coverage of F-Mount stuff as well,
  • how likely it will become to really carry out DIY maintenance and repair, considerung that most us probably will have neither the tools nor the necessary know-how to carr out this kind of work especially on optical precision equipment like lenses.
Hand out the corresponding documentation to a car owner and then look how many will really be able to get good results from DIY.

HTe true intention of Nikon behind this is not really clear to me. May be it is just an exagorated reaction to the upcoming legislations around sustainability and "the right to get repair".
HTe true intention of Nikon behind this is not really clear to me. May be it is just an exagorated reaction to the upcoming legislations around sustainability and "the right to get repair".
I believe it’s in fulfillment of Nikon’s compliance with Right to Repair legislation. Most Nikon customers aren’t going to attempt to repair their cameras and lenses on their own.
It would appear that they have done the bare minimum to meet their new obligation. Whilst most of us wont have some of the specialist tools or the expertise, others do and that is a major step forward.
It would appear that they have done the bare minimum to meet their new obligation. Whilst most of us wont have some of the specialist tools or the expertise, others do and that is a major step forward.
I agree, right now it’s minimal. I expect that over time the content will be more extensive.
After the AF mechanics of my 500 f4g started squeaking some time ago, I'd love to be able to do something about it myself, but I would expect the heart rate go up "a littlle" while taking something like this apart myself. A lens of this caliber is still slighlty different from a motorbike engine :D .

I think there will be a split scenario. Like the complexity rating on I would expect that there are things that are easily feasible and other things being too complex, too risky or simply undoable due to missing special tools or a clean air box.

Simple things like replacing a rubber seal for weather protection, doing a proper maintenance on the CPU contacts or replacing a damaged bajonett or rubber cover of the lens buttons might be feasinble.
But I can't see "normal persons" taking an entire lens apart to swap AF or VR components or get pollution/contamination removed.