Nikon Transfer 2 - what do you think of it?

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I used to use Fast Raw Viewer to rename my files, but I would like to move away from this software so I am experimenting with different solutions. I tried Nikon Transfer 2, on first use this caused me quite a bit of stress, using a card reader connected to a Windows PC Transfer 2 said there were only 236 images, but I could see over two thousand in File Explorer. After some investigations I came to the conclusion Transfer 2 is just showing the first image from each burst so there were 236 bursts not individual images. The actual transfer did successfully transfer and rename all the images. Kind of makes sense as I can opt not to transfer a specific burst and displaying all the separate images would fill up the preview window in Transfer 2 with thousands of files. I wish Nikon had documented this, there is no mention in manual that I can find.

Photo Mechanic seems to be a higly recommended product for importing and renaming, but the new annual price is hard to justify. I don't want to use Lightroom for renaming as I want to cull the images before I import into Lightroom. Are there any other software tools I should investigate or are there forum members happy with Transfer 2?