Nikon Z8 & 800PF - Fn2 and Control/Focus rings not responding

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Hello all,

As a lurker and reader for some months now, I'm quite embarrassed to have my first post on this forum be a plea for basic IT assistance. Today I received my Nikon 800mm PF in the mail, which I bought used from MPB. The lens is visually in great condition and everything seems fine, until I've attempted to start mapping my controls. It took a minute to understand which buttons/rings were which, however I am arriving at some difficulties even now that I have made the determinations.

My L-Fn button works fine. I can map any function to it and it responds as expected.

My Lens Memory Set button also works fine with various function mappings.

The L-Fn2 buttons do not seem to work at all. I have tried mapping these buttons to several different controls, and no matter what control is mapped, pressing the button yields no result. Even mapped to something simple and impossible to miss, like the Framing grid, I don't see anything happening when pressing any of the 4 L-Fn2 buttons around the lens barrel.

Similarly, both the control and focus rings seem to not be responding. Setting both the camera (via i-menu) and lens (via physical switch) to manual focus, then turning the focus ring, there is no change. And of course, I've mapped several things to the control ring and I can't seem to get it to do anything.

Some additional notes:
I am mapping my controls in f2 - Custom controls (shooting). I have ensured the camera is on photo mode, not video. My Z8 is updated to the 2.0 firmware, and I as part of my troubleshooting I did update the 800PF to the 1.11 (latest) firmware.

I have to point out that my experience with Z glass is nonexistent...this is actually the first Z lens I've bought, up until now I've only used adapted F-mount glass. As such, I'm really hoping I've just missed some kind of silly setup step or menu option somewhere. Combing through Steve's setup guide and a video or two has not turned up any answers. This seems like a very odd set of issues to be a hardware defect of the lens, but please do let me know what you all think I may be missing here.

Thank you so much in advance for your assistance.
It certainly sounds like you may have a defective lens. I would take it in somewhere and have it checked out.

Try setting the small ring for ISO and see if that works.

Even if you have the camera on auto focus, the manual focus ring should work to allow you to manually adjust the focus.
Welcome! Like you I was passive viewer for a long time and my first posts were basically more on the needed side;)
I do own the 800pf but with only the z9 not the z8, but I think that both cameras have almost the same menu system.
Things that might help:

- The first thing I would do is to reset the camera with the ''reset all settings'' command in the Setup menu, and than try to map the keys and see if your problems are resolved. If you affraid to loose your current settings you can save them on a card via ''save/load menu settings'' prior to the reset.

- f11 "'Switch focus/control rings roles'' : try to turn it on/off . Any change in the focus or control ring response ?

- put a9 ''Focus mode restrictions'' to 'no restrictions' ; and a15 "Manual focus ring in AF mode'' to On - any change in the focus or control ring response ?

- Turn camera off, remove battery, wait 30 sec. insert the battery again & check

- disconnect the lens , connect it again. check

- clean the lens contacts :
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Thank you both for your advice! Unfortunately after trying each step, I have not seen any difference. I will probably see if I can bring the lens down to a local camera store this weekend and get their opinion. One thing I need to verify is whether it's the lens or my Z8 that has the issue; I would think it's the lens, but as I mentioned I've never had another Z lens before so I can't say that I've had these lens features working on other glass.

This is an unfortunate damper on my excitement for buying such a nice lens, since I bought it used I'm not sure whether repair will be realistic or if I'd end up returning it to MPB for a refund (and who knows how long before another used copy shows up for sale). I guess we'll see.

Thanks again, and feel free to offer any other suggestions in the mean time.
Sorry to hear about your troubles and others have provided sound advice. Apart from the strategies provided, I would check to see that the lens is running the most current FW, 1.11 (if I'm not mistaken). If none of these reset options work, it is more than likely it is a defective lens. The dirty little secret in the used lens market is the purveyors don't check the entire lens' functionality though MPB will stand behind their products.
Thank you both for your advice! Unfortunately after trying each step, I have not seen any difference. I will probably see if I can bring the lens down to a local camera store this weekend and get their opinion. One thing I need to verify is whether it's the lens or my Z8 that has the issue; I would think it's the lens, but as I mentioned I've never had another Z lens before so I can't say that I've had these lens features working on other glass.

This is an unfortunate damper on my excitement for buying such a nice lens, since I bought it used I'm not sure whether repair will be realistic or if I'd end up returning it to MPB for a refund (and who knows how long before another used copy shows up for sale). I guess we'll see.

Thanks again, and feel free to offer any other suggestions in the mean time.
Sorry to hear that.
Although it sounds like a lens issue , It’s a good idea to take it to a local store, and if they ( or a friend) have another z8 or another Nikon z lens that have those fn2 buttons and control ring you could isolate if the problem is with the lens or camera.
Other z lenses that have similar buttons/ring are the 400 f4.5 , 70-200 f2.8, 600 of f6.3.
Before deciding if to return the lens for a refund or fix it, I would , in the meantime , run few tests to just see if it sharp enough and if the AF perform correctly. Maybe the lens hide more troubles that needs to be considered as well.
Good luck
And have a look at Nikon USA refurbished store zone, maybe by a chance there is a 800pf over there…
Concur that you will want to fully check out this lens. It is also possible that whatever is wrong with it can be easily fixed under warranty if you choose to go that direction.

These lenses do show up as used, I got mine used over the holidays and was very happy. There also has lately been a significant $600 discount on the new price by Nikon, I don't know if that is still going on.

Let us know what you find out.
Hello all,

Just wanted to provide an update; I gave my local camera shop a call and explained the situation, and they told me to come by and they'd help me test out the lens. The folks at the camera shop were very helpful, we took a Z5 from the used counter and mounted it on the lens and it had the exact same issue of those controls not working. The shop didn't have an 800PF but we put a 600PF on my Z8 and as expected all the function buttons and rings worked right away with the same settings that wouldn't work on the 800. So it's 100% confirmed as a lens issue. (and also MAN is that 600PF nice!).

I've begun the return process with MPB, so far they've been very kind about it. If they had another copy of the lens I'd ask for a replacement/exchange, but alas they have none in stock. This being the case, I have asked them for a refund when the lens arrives, and I went ahead and put down a deposit to have the camera shop order a new 800 for me. Once the refund from MPB hits my card, I'll go pick up the new one.

I've bought a LOT of used gear over the years, including my much-loved 500PF (which was also from MPB), so I guess it was inevitable that I have a stroke of bad luck eventually. Just wish it didn't have to happen with the most expensive lens I've ever bought! :)

I did want to check with those of you who have used this lens, I set up a can of acetone as a test target to do some quick sharpness comparisons. Attached is a screenshot of the compare in LrC, viewed at 100%. These were handheld in a crouched position for support, 1/3200, ISO 900, no lens hood due to cold weather. Left side is f/6.3, right side is f/8. I feel as though I would expect better sharpness on the f/6.3 side as most reviews I've seen have indicated great performance wide open, is this sample representative of this lens? Or does this seem below average for the sharpness? Not sure if I'm nitpicking too much or not.


  • 800mmCompare.JPG
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I would not get carried away with sharpness tests at this point. Wait til you get your new lens and go out and do some shooting at 800mm. Of course shoot RAW. Take your images into post and see what you think then.

Getting maximum sharpness is tricky with these long focal length lenses as there are a variety of things that conspire to prevent the lens from achieving its full potential.

For your shots in the field use a tripod. Get a gimbal head or equivalent if you don't already have one. Work on your autofocus settings and make sure you have things set up the way you want them.

Shoot at much higher shutter speed than you might otherwise use. For birds in flight 1/2000 second or higher would be reasonable. Start out with auto af and bird subject detection. Also shoot short bursts at 20 fps. Even for stationary birds they are twitchy and tend to have small fidgets and eye movements. Any of that can affect sharpness. When you shoot at 20fps you increase the odds that some of those shots will be tack-sharp.

Try to find some birds that are physically relatively close to the camera. Ducks in a pond are a good choice. If winter is a problem in your area with finding a subject try a zoo, a bird feeder can also be a good opportunity.

You won't get a true sense of this lens' potential until you have worked through all of that and you are getting the best images the lens can produce.

I can tell you I started this long focal length journey with a 600mm pf along with my photo buddy who was shooting the 500mm pf with a tc. We were both initially disappointed with the results we got at first. Steve Perry has a lot of excellent advice in his videos and guides and I strongly recommend following his advice.

My photo buddy and I made some adjustments based on the Perry recommendations and suddenly we started getting great results.

This 800mm pf is a truly remarkable lens and like the rest of us who went down this road I predict you are going to be very pleased.
Glad to hear that you can get a refund and about to receive a new lens soon,🙂
Regarding the sharpness issue : yes, the pic at 6.3 is maybe a bit softer than I would expect, but @wotan1 reply is spot-on & with very good advices.
Don’t worry about it right now , take your time learning the new lens- 800mm can be tricky. I’m sure you will enjoy it once you master it.
I also when first got my 800pf was initially disappointed but now after learning it ( I still do…) I just love it!
I'm a little late to the party, however, one thing to consider is that there have been a couple of firmware updates for the 800PF. I doubt that's the problem, but it could be.
I'll just add that you did great to order your new 800mm through the small camera shop that helped you out with the problem. I for one (as a relative beginner) rely on my local small stores and would hate to have them disappear.
MPB has a good reputation when you have problems. Sounds like you have checked it out properly and the lens is the issue.

If you have not already packed the lens for return, make sure you don't have buttons and control rings programmed wrong. That would not explain the lens problems with the Z5, but it's easy for someone to set up the programmable controls incorrectly.

Hopefully you can get a new copy of the 800mm PF soon. I was out with that lens this morning using my Z8. It works wonderfully with the 2.0 firmware update.
@wotan1 @Asafser thank you both for the advice, it's much appreciated. I do well handholding my 200-500mm and 500PF but the 800 will certainly require me to refine my skills a bit more it seems. I do hope to use this lens by hand much of the time but I can definitely see the benefits of a tripod/gimbal setup when dealing with the 800. I have a small gimbal head (Jobu Jr) but may need to buy a bigger one for this lens.

@Steve Thank you for the suggestion! I did try updating the firmware on the lens (from 1.10 to 1.11) but unfortunately it didn't make a difference.

@AlanB313 I agree, I had originally planned on going through this shop if I was going to buy new, but when I got the alert from MPB that a used copy had shown up I'd hoped it would be safe to try and save a few bucks. No such luck this time it seems, but I'm happy to give the locals my business as the employees there have been wonderfully helpful the few times I've stopped by.

@EricBowles Thank you for the suggestion and glad to hear you like the combo! I'm really excited about it, cannot wait for the birds to join us back in Michigan again so I can really put it to use.
@wotan1 @Asafser thank you both for the advice, it's much appreciated. I do well handholding my 200-500mm and 500PF but the 800 will certainly require me to refine my skills a bit more it seems. I do hope to use this lens by hand much of the time but I can definitely see the benefits of a tripod/gimbal setup when dealing with the 800. I have a small gimbal head (Jobu Jr) but may need to buy a bigger one for this lens.

@Steve Thank you for the suggestion! I did try updating the firmware on the lens (from 1.10 to 1.11) but unfortunately it didn't make a difference.

@AlanB313 I agree, I had originally planned on going through this shop if I was going to buy new, but when I got the alert from MPB that a used copy had shown up I'd hoped it would be safe to try and save a few bucks. No such luck this time it seems, but I'm happy to give the locals my business as the employees there have been wonderfully helpful the few times I've stopped by.

@EricBowles Thank you for the suggestion and glad to hear you like the combo! I'm really excited about it, cannot wait for the birds to join us back in Michigan again so I can really put it to use.
Whereabout in MI are you? I think you'll find the 800 PF very handy in this neck of the woods where long FL's are a must. Overall, I have been very pleased with this lens and am staring at a 24x36 print of an EIF (egret in flight) I took last fall against the fall colored reeds as I type this. Gorgeous rendering and 3D-like sharpness. You'll like this lens both on/off the gimbal. When hiking, I have it strapped on one side and the 180-600 slung on the other. Although my Canon/Sony 600 f/4's with a 1.4x TC might have been a tad sharper, neither one was as compact, lighweight, or as transportable. Very, very happy with this lens and for the price and performance, there is nothing like it on the market (I fee like the tac-light salesman).
Whereabout in MI are you? I think you'll find the 800 PF very handy in this neck of the woods where long FL's are a must. Overall, I have been very pleased with this lens and am staring at a 24x36 print of an EIF (egret in flight) I took last fall against the fall colored reeds as I type this. Gorgeous rendering and 3D-like sharpness. You'll like this lens both on/off the gimbal. When hiking, I have it strapped on one side and the 180-600 slung on the other. Although my Canon/Sony 600 f/4's with a 1.4x TC might have been a tad sharper, neither one was as compact, lighweight, or as transportable. Very, very happy with this lens and for the price and performance, there is nothing like it on the market (I fee like the tac-light salesman).

I'm just a little ways southeast of Flint. Not too much of interest wildlife-wise in my county but an hour or so of driving opens up the options quite a bit.

I know what you mean though, honestly I do think much of the same could be said of the PF lenses as a whole. I've got the 300PF and the 500PF already, and while the 800PF will probably eat my lens budget for the foreseeable future I'm sure I'll grab the 600 next year. I'd love to see more options and competition in this space, the size and weight is just fantastic for hiking while the performance seems to be a step up from the more affordable supertele zooms.

You all are making me impatient to get my refund so I can go pick up the new 800mm!
I'll just add that you did great to order your new 800mm through the small camera shop that helped you out with the problem. I for one (as a relative beginner) rely on my local small stores and would hate to have them disappear.
I miss our local store in closed in 2020 now my closest one is a great store but a 5 hour drive in good weather.