Nikon Z8 - Prioritize Viewfinder (1) - Weird Problem

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On my Z8, I use the "Prioritize Viewfinder (1)" setting. Since I've had the Z8 (over a year), it has worked flawlessly as follows: a) Put your eye to the eyecup and the EVF activates. b) Pull the eye away and the EVF shuts off. c) pull out the LCD and it will activate (allowing you to take pics using the LCD). d) put the LCD back in place and it will turn off.

The problem: Starting today, all of a sudden, (c) doesn't work. When I pull out the LCD it does not activate.

So to use the LCD to take pictures I have to switch my display mode back to "automatic". I really don't like this mode. Burns through the battery.

Anybody have any ideas on what may have happened?
Try removing the eyecup and cleaning the eye sensor. Any obstruction (debris, accumulated skin oil, or dried perspiration) can cause the camera to act as if you’re looking through the viewfinder.
Had similar issues on my Z9, and discovered it was the standard rubber eye ring that just has to dislodge slightly to block the eye sensor that was causing the issue.
It would often fall off and really got jack of this!
Have since replaced both my Z9's with the rock solid Zemlin eye hood. Yes his products aren't cheap, but really work flawlessly. (y)
As far as I can tell, it isn't the sensor or eyecup. The LCD acts normally when the display is set to automatic. With further experimenting, it really does appear that something is wack with the LCD. Here is what I mean. If I gently and slowly pull down the LCD about 20 degrees, it will activate and the EVF turns off. However, if I go any further than about 20 degrees the LCD continues to turn off. Very strange.
As far as I can tell, it isn't the sensor or eyecup. The LCD acts normally when the display is set to automatic. With further experimenting, it really does appear that something is wack with the LCD. Here is what I mean. If I gently and slowly pull down the LCD about 20 degrees, it will activate and the EVF turns off. However, if I go any further than about 20 degrees the LCD continues to turn off. Very strange.
In that case perhaps your camera should be examined by a Nikon technician.
Save your current settings to the card, then perform a full reset on the camera. Without reloading the saved settings, change your preferred monitor selection to "Prioritize Viewfinder (1)" and conduct a test. If the issue persists, perform another full reset, remove the battery, turn the switch to "On," and release the shutter a few times. Then, turn the switch to "Off" and leave the camera for several hours without the battery inserted (to ensure all components shut down completely). Once done, insert the battery, without reloading the saved settings, change only the Viewfinder settings, and test it again. If the problem continues, contact Nikon for assistance and send the camera for service, otherwise reload your saved settings and test it again.