Nile Crocodile, jaws and teeth with reflection

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While on the Chobe River, we saw lots of Nile Crocodiles, mostly resting on the beach in the sun. This particular croc was resting in the shallows, out of the current and out of the wind. While the phot that I took off the animals head was not particularly interesting, I did note the perfect reflection of the jaws and teeth in the water. Thus, I made this cropped image in a custom shape to make an almost abstract image. I like photos that you have to look at for a minute to figure out exactly what is going on in the image. I hope you like this one. As an aside, I thought about removing the few blades of grass in the image but, in the end, decide to leave things as shot.
*Nile Crocodile, teeth and reflection.jpg
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Very nice photo and I'm glad you left the grass in the photo; I like natures little imperfections in photos. Without you saying it, it would've told me a story, that the croc was close to shore ... and it doesn't distract, at least not me.
Very nice photo and I'm glad you left the grass in the photo; I like natures little imperfections in photos. Without you saying it, it would've told me a story, that the croc was close to shore ... and it doesn't distract, at least not me.
Thanks! Seems like we think the same about leaving as much alone as possible in a photo.
While on the Chobe River, we saw lots of Nile Crocodiles, mostly resting on the beach in the sun. This particular croc was resting in the shallows, out of the current and out of the wind. While the phot that I took off the animals head was not particularly interesting, I did note the perfect reflection of the jaws and teeth in the water. Thus, I made this cropped image in a custom shape to make an almost abstract image. I like photos that you have to look at for a minute to figure out exactly what is going on in the image. I hope you like this one. As an aside, I thought about removing the few blades of grass in the image but, in the end, decide to leave things as shot.View attachment 70019
Fantastic, looks at first glance to me some form of weird staircase and reflection then you realise it’s a croc…Brilliant just brillant. 👏👏👏👏👏
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