Northern Hawk Owl

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Andrew Lamberson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
After over 17 hours of searching, we finally found the Northern Hawk Owl that had been seen in the Sax-Zim bog in the boreal forest of northern Minnesota. Problem: it was WAY up high at the top of a snag. So I added the 1.4 tc to the 500 PF and braced myself against the car to combat the gusty winds. Note the owl's bottom feathers blowing out from underneath it! The Northern Hawk Owl is considered rare in northern Minnesota.
Northern Hawk Owl w head turned bcf-.jpg
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Great shot Andrew under difficult conditions! It is such a great feeling when you have a find like this and are able to capture an image. It is also fun to share it on this forum where there are those who know what I’m talking about.
After over 17 hours of searching, we finally found the Northern Hawk Owl that had been seen in the Sax-Zim bog in the boreal forest of northern Minnesota. Problem: it was WAY up high at the top of a snag. So I added the 1.4 tc to the 500 PF and braced myself against the car to combat the gusty winds. Note the owl's bottom feathers blowing out from underneath it! The Northern Hawk Owl is considered rare in northern Minnesota.
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What a lovely bird, Andrew.

Thank you for putting in the effort to get this great shot.

Thank you everyone. It was a lot of slioging down very snowy and/or muddy logging roads, looking for a football sized owl at the top of a Black Spruce , or dead head. My eyes still hurt!
Hobbzz, He was probably somewhere in the 300 Square miles of the bog... Just not where you where...or could even get to!

A classic example of being the right the right time for me!