Northern Lights on Ring Lake

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Just my humble contribution/

Ring Lake NL 051124 sm.jpg
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WOW!!! I love it!!

What is the reason for f/1.8?
Where have you focused?!
Thanks Joel

I went f/1.8 as I was treating it like a typical astro shot. Longish exposure with as little noise as possible due to the low iso. I manually focused infinity on the far shore which meant everything from about 25ft and on would be in focus.
Thanks Joel

I went f/1.8 as I was treating it like a typical astro shot. Longish exposure with as little noise as possible due to the low iso. I manually focused infinity on the far shore which meant everything from about 25ft and on would be in focus.
Smart thinking.
My wife saw the shot and said: This can’t be real, but it is.

I’m curious though, with your naked eye, you also saw that same painting, or was it the long exposure?