Oh what a tangled web we weave

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My wife and I were out shooting some nature shots and not seeing a lot of action. Lots of dew covered flowers, a couple average sunrise shots, a cool praying mantis but nothing that was really exciting. It was still a pretty morning and a good time out walking through the woods and fields with my wife and both of us with our cameras. Then, we saw some yellow motion out at the edge of the field. This marbled orb weaver spider was spinning some repairs on her web. It was amazing to watch how precise her motions were as she carefully placed each strand in just the right spot to fix her web.

Yes, I am terrified of spiders but I also find them fascinating creatures. We stood there about 15 minutes watching her work. Then we moved along so that we wouldn't keep some insect from flying into her web. She shared a little secret with us and now I get to share it with you all.
