"Old" Photos Sunset

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In Dec 2009 as I was moving to Saudi Arabia, I got my first DSLR - Nikon D5000 with the 18-55 and 55-200 kit lenses. It was a major improvement from the Nikon P&S E5200 digital I was shooting before that. Now, retired, I am attempting to "clean up" and put together a few photobooks of our many adventures.
The following photos were taken in the mountains just south of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in September 2010. In comparison to my current gear, these photos show a disctinct difference in quality, though still quite suitable for photobooks.
These shots were taken in a 20 minute span bracketing sunset. The first two shots were taken facing north while the remain shots were taken facing West. Current processing using the new LR denoise technoilogy help a bunch. All shots are 4-6 mp crops. I was happy when I captured these, and they bring back great memories of that shoot.
Now retired, I am working to organize and "clean-up" over 70,000 photos in my catalog to print some memory boooks of the many great places we have been and times we have had. I also plan to revisit years of old prints to scan and preserve for our kids as they grew up and moved around with us.
This is my first step of many.

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This effort will bring back many memories. I hope I can put them together for the family!
It's fun to go back through the image library from time to time. Sometimes we find surprises like images we forgot about or some that where modern processing tools and what we've learned about processing over the years can bring new life to older images. Good on ya for taking on that project.
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