OM-1 Question: Solved

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Supporting Member
I have just discovered that my OM-1 (not MKii) only shows the subject detection icon and the white box when I have the shutter half pressed, even though I use BBAF and don't use the shutter half press to focus. I want to be able to see the box when I press the AF-On button. Is there some setting I'm missing here?
Although I'm an Olympus shooter I can't answer your question because i don't have an OM-1. You should check on the DPR forum for MFT users -- Just be aware that some of the folks on that forum can, in my opinion, be pretty obnoxious.
Good suggestion, though I have my own reservations about DPReview users. I followed half of your suggestion and posted this question on Fred Miranda. Thanks.
Did a quick check on my OM-1 and 300mm f4 and the white box appears without even pressing a button... As soon as it sees the bird (or a picture of the bird on the screen for this test) it shows the white box around it and the white box around the eye.

I have the following settings:

AF Mode: C-AF+MF
AF+MF : On
AF by half pressing shutter: Off
AF-ON in MF priority: On

AF Illuminator: On
AF Area Pointer: On2
Face & Eye AF button: both on face priorty
Subject detection : Birds
Eye Detection Frame: On

AF Scanner: On.
Did a quick check on my OM-1 and 300mm f4 and the white box appears without even pressing a button... As soon as it sees the bird (or a picture of the bird on the screen for this test) it shows the white box around it and the white box around the eye.

I have the following settings:

AF Mode: C-AF+MF
AF+MF : On
AF by half pressing shutter: Off
AF-ON in MF priority: On

AF Illuminator: On
AF Area Pointer: On2
Face & Eye AF button: both on face priorty
Subject detection : Birds
Eye Detection Frame: On

AF Scanner: On.
I Just replicated these settings and the camera's behavior didn't change. Firmware, maybe? What version is yours? Thanks, Barbara
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UPDATE: when there's actually a bird in the frame I do get the white box(es) even before pressing anything. But the bird icon still doesn't appear unless I half press the shutter. I can live with that, but I still think it's weird. As I have a button programmed to turn off and on subject detection, I'd like an icon telling me whether it's on or not. But thanks anyway to those who helped.
UPDATE: when there's actually a bird in the frame I do get the white box(es) even before pressing anything. But the bird icon still doesn't appear unless I half press the shutter. I can live with that, but I still think it's weird. As I have a button programmed to turn off and on subject detection, I'd like an icon telling me whether it's on or not. But thanks anyway to those who helped.
You can try playing with the settings under Cogwheel/4.Information to see if it makes any difference. It seems there may be some inconsistencies. I can only get the bird icon to always appear, then disappears when half pressing the shutter button. This is the reverse of what you see. But what you see seems to be the intended behaviour according to the help info in the Menu. 🤷‍♂️
I would text OM Systems on this. It may be a weird settings issue or you may need to reload the firmware. What is happening with your camera is not normal based on my experience.
