On being a supporting member of this forum

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Just realized this morning that one can 'support' this forum. (yah, I know, I'm a bit slow.) And I did so immediately for two reasons. I think you get what you pay for -- and I've already learned things here that I'm looking forward to using in actual shooting. Two, Steve has my strongest respect as a photography teacher -- whose proof of lessons/insights shared are so beautifully apparent in his photo outputs! -- and deserves support when he brings community together like this so the community can stay together. Thanks Steve. Oh and this is the internet and isn't it required of me to say now: this is an unpaid or otherwise encouraged endorsement! :)
Well said ssheipel. It took me a couple of days to notice the support button as well.

My reasons for supporting the site are similar to yours. It's a great resource and Steve has done countless great videos and written blog posts and now offered this venue to share works and to learn from one another. That deserves financial support.

On a philosophical note, I feel like any art form including photography doesn't come full circle until you put some work out for the public. That could be paid, published work, gallery images, local art shows or the neighborhood coffee shop but I believe creative work should be shared with others for better or worse and not just stuffed away on a hard drive where no one sees it. From that standpoint the image sharing and critique forums here provide an invaluable resource to photographers of all ability levels to get their work out where others can view it and to learn from the work of others.

So many photo websites digress into endless techno arguments and I love the sharing and learning emphasis here. Hope it stays that way :)
Well said ssheipel. It took me a couple of days to notice the support button as well.

My reasons for supporting the site are similar to yours. It's a great resource and Steve has done countless great videos and written blog posts and now offered this venue to share works and to learn from one another. That deserves financial support.

On a philosophical note, I feel like any art form including photography doesn't come full circle until you put some work out for the public. That could be paid, published work, gallery images, local art shows or the neighborhood coffee shop but I believe creative work should be shared with others for better or worse and not just stuffed away on a hard drive where no one sees it. From that standpoint the image sharing and critique forums here provide an invaluable resource to photographers of all ability levels to get their work out where others can view it and to learn from the work of others.

So many photo websites digress into endless techno arguments and I love the sharing and learning emphasis here. Hope it stays that way :)
Thanks for the philosophical point. Agree! Should have included in my first blurb that I'm getting such real 'value' (of the non financial services industry sort) out of just enjoying and talking about, from a 'they're lovely to look at' perspective, the photographs posted here.
Thanks for bringing this up. I too was happy to support this forum for all the above reasons.

It's a good time to say thanks to Steve Perry for the knowledge he shares. My wife and I are hobbyist and plan to continue enjoying nature and photography well into the golden years. Your help over the past couple years through BCG Youtube and your publications (secrets to autofocus, secrets to metering) is much appreciated.

This forum adds to all of that.
You can only buy 3 packets of cigarettes in the UK for $20 sorry about this but( bloody hell) super value for money!
And as prince Charles would say what an utterly splendid past time, what ! LOL :ROFLMAO:
I was going to say fags instead of cigarettes, but you Americans wouldn't have a scooby what I was on about!
Scooby Do = (clue) in English Slang Talk / Every day is a school Day(y)
Thanks for putting this together. As some have already indicated, I can throw away $20 pretty quick on meaningless things that are short lived, but this seems like great value as a source for information and feedback in an age where printed magazines have disappeared or have become worthless. Thanks Steve!
Just became a supporting member & will continue to support Steve's endeavours.

I have enjoyed Steve's blog & learnt a lot from his e books & videos to improve my bird photography.
20 $ is a very small price to pay for the knowledge & the way that he is sharing with the world.I am truly obliged to him .

My only grouse against Steve is that he has never visited India which has every habitat that one can think of.I hope he is aware that there are plenty of people in India who would love to meet him in India :cool:
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Steve has managed to awaken my passion for photography again. Sometimes life’s experiences sidetrack you but once I decided to get back into photography and stumbled across Steve’s website last year, I new I had found the person who could guide me along the way. This website and these forums are wonderful. The quality of the photographs and the ability to directly get the advice of such well accomplished photographers is amazing. And Steve’s passion and enthusiasm is infectious. Thanks Steve.