On the Hunt! Plena Wildlife

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Khewa.hunting.3g.16x9..DavidEArmstrong_Z9_20240909_222756_740_577-1_1920x1080_U_200_Original r...jpg
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On the Hunt! Not hunting me! haha

Golden hour capture, so the f/1.8 was welcome, but interetingly the shallow DoF of the Plena makes getting a wolf face all in focus a challenge! Khewa on the Hunt at Wolf Park in Indiana. I'll link to Flickr in a comment, with a higher resolution post there.

I worked on the crop for this quite a while - decided for this tighter one that kept the moving front paw. Cheers!
Excellent. I like your crop choice; makes for an incredibly intimate portrait. Beautiful!
Thanks Steven - I had a lot of environmental green to work with to the right, and tried working with that, but would not be compelling without *a lot* of work. I also had most of the body to the left - the decision to crop out the ears was a hard one haha! But I think this crop does bring the focus onto the main thing - her face/expression, and her actions. Thanks!
I’m seriously looking at this lens and really going for it with auto capture.

My entire childhood and teenage years was trapping and hunting so trap camera setup is something I should be good at. And taking one of it not the sharpest portrait lenses on the market and getting wildlife shots with it seems pretty tempting.

Normally 135mm would be an extreme challenge to getting close enough but auto-capture kind of changes things.
Thanks Steven - I had a lot of environmental green to work with to the right, and tried working with that, but would not be compelling without *a lot* of work. I also had most of the body to the left - the decision to crop out the ears was a hard one haha! But I think this crop does bring the focus onto the main thing - her face/expression, and her actions. Thanks!
Here, it's all about the eyes!! And that signature snout and nose :)